04-29-2003, 01:49 PM
They blew it with Jericho and Goldberg. They had a great real life feud fall in their laps and they blew it. Jericho could have went off on Goldberg on how Goldberg disrespected him. How Goldberg thought Jericho was not good enough. How Jericho challenged him in WCW and Goldberg pussied out? Than Jericho could have said how he is the first unified champ. He did something all the greats never did like Hogan or Flair and even Goldberg. He beat Rock and Austin in one night. He could have said I am better than you and your force fed streak on jobbers in WCW. They could have used video. jericho could have even brought back Ralphus. I was so happy when Jericho called out Goldberg and so dissapointed as soon as the Raw scrubs came out.