01-24-2004, 09:15 PM
it has nothing to do with me hating microsoft, because i don't. there are just alot more problems caused from using ie because people are out to fuck it up. if you know what you're doing to avoid that stuff than its not that much of a big deal
using some of the other browsers protects you from a lot of shit without having to get some other program to run all of the time in the background. i'm not saying its faster, i don't know of any test results actually proving that, although there are probably are some. all i know is its just as fast and i like the extra features. it does basically everything i need ie to do and more, and when i have to use ie for stuff like accessing things on my schools website to register for classes, i just open that instead.
and btw, with mozilla you can drag a picture from the browser to another folder. i just did
using some of the other browsers protects you from a lot of shit without having to get some other program to run all of the time in the background. i'm not saying its faster, i don't know of any test results actually proving that, although there are probably are some. all i know is its just as fast and i like the extra features. it does basically everything i need ie to do and more, and when i have to use ie for stuff like accessing things on my schools website to register for classes, i just open that instead.
and btw, with mozilla you can drag a picture from the browser to another folder. i just did