The thing about the Libertarian Party is, they'd probably win over a good number of Republicans if people didn't automatically write them off as "a waste of a vote." Libertarianism is basically classical conservatism, as opposed to today's warmongering-in-the-name-of-God-and-oil neoconservativism practiced by the current Republican party.
2. Never argue religion or politics with's not an argument either can win, it's based on beliefs
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Your pocket Bible will stop an assailant's bullet, but not before it passes through four innocent bystanders, a school-bus gas tank, and your genitals.
1) Smoking will be allowed in bar rooms.
2) Everyone who votes for him will get 30% off the subscription price.
3) in best Larry Flint voice:::Yes, he'll get you banannas
We'll send England a declaration and wait three months for someone to sail it across the ocean in a glorified dingy, hand it to Tony Blair then await his return with the response.
So if some lazy piece of shit who doesn't work because he can't smell too good, has six kids..
And one of them shoots you in the penis...
They are the victims?
I disagree.
I'm a big fan of initiative and taking responsibility.
Too many people believe they're owed something they're not, these days.
We've becoma a nation of whine asses.
I wish this country could go back to the days where men worked on the railroad..
lost a finger, wrapped it in a bandanna and kept working.