My sister asked my 5 year old niece how she would feel if "mommy went to be with god". I could've killed her for saying something that selfish and stupid to a 5 year old.
Brings up a thought though. If you believe in god, do you honestly think you get into heaven by killing yourself?
I had a friend in junior high that hung himself in the park across the street from his house, where his mother found him hanging from a tree. The zinger, it was on a sunday, after church and also happened to be her birthday. Nice fucking birthday present for mom, eh?
I know of at least five people I went to school with that killed themselves. It's always the people that mind their own business and don't bother anyone meanwhile the scumbags that you'd like to see dead are still around. That's why homicide is so much superior, but I think it takes balls of steel to kill yourself. I consider those people the bravest people I ever knew (if not the sanist). Two blew their brains out, two hung themselves, and the other OD'd (intentionally). Makes Fear Factor look like a stroll in the park (except for the parks with dead negros hanging about).
This guy i knew hanged himself a few months back. His girlfriend found him, then about two weeks later she commited suicide too. Leaving behind a five year old son. Thoughtful, eh??
No kids I've ever grown up with ever killed themselves. But the guy who lived accross the street from me killed himself.
His 17 year old son was killed on New Year's Eve when he was drunk and walking down the street and was killed by a drunk driver. For a couple weeks, the guy would just sit in his car and stare into space. Then he walked up to a new development in my town and hung himself from a girter.
Kid Afrika Wrote:As a rule of thumb, black kids don't commit suicide. It's usually middle class white kids.
Didn't Chris Rock do a bit on this? Something like poor folks don't kill themselves, they get a gun and kill everyone else when they get depressed.
Back on topic, I agree with something Kid said earlier (imagine that) abot suicide being really selfish. For one thing, everyone you leave behind is left with unbearable guilt over not stopping it or seeing it coming, and if you have kids, well you're just setting them up for a whole world of hurt as they get older
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Your pocket Bible will stop an assailant's bullet, but not before it passes through four innocent bystanders, a school-bus gas tank, and your genitals.