they were nasty, their knees were all fucked up from spending so much time on the ground. i didn't go to the bathroom once the entire day, i was there from about 9 til 5
You met interesting scary people and haven't seen them since...cut the umbilical cord already
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<font color = maroon size = 1>
Your pocket Bible will stop an assailant's bullet, but not before it passes through four innocent bystanders, a school-bus gas tank, and your genitals.
They have to have pagers, right? I've seen "Pretty Woman"
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<font color = maroon size = 1>
Your pocket Bible will stop an assailant's bullet, but not before it passes through four innocent bystanders, a school-bus gas tank, and your genitals.
i don't know, they take all that stuff away from you ya know. even made me take out my eyebrow ring, but not until after making several jokes and asking if they could hang their keys on it
but yeah, i basically sat in a corner and avoided talking to anyone. actually i spent a lot of time on the phone running up my parents bill
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<font color = maroon size = 1>
Your pocket Bible will stop an assailant's bullet, but not before it passes through four innocent bystanders, a school-bus gas tank, and your genitals.
I've never been in jail. In fact, I've never even been in a jail. In fact, I've never been in a cell, a police car, detained by a cop, or been in any type of trouble with the law.
The closest I ever came was when I was in college, and this bitch RA kept trying to hound me because she caught me red-handed drinking and I talked my way out of it by lying to everyone. So she tried to pin something on me, and it went the way to the judicial board, and I talked my way out of it again, but this time I was telling the truth, and showed proof, which proved she was lying.
She was this cunty light-skinned tall skinny black chick with this nasty mole right in the middle of her forehead.
So a couple nights later, I got toasted and walked up to her room late at night...and raped her.
No wait. I went up to her room and wrote in black magic marker "Die Cunt: You have a dot on your forehead".
The next day cops were at my room (not campus police, but actual cops) and were talking to me about where I was that night, and how I was the prime suspect in a hate crime by writing racial slurs and threats on an RAs door.
My shock was authentic because I didn't remember writing anything like that. So I of course denied it. I wasn't even in the building, I was at a party, blah blah blah. They wouldn't tell me what was written since I thought maybe they were making it up, or someone else wrote something. I obviously wasn't going to be a foolish criminal and go back to the scene of the crime and check it out.
So, I denied it to everyone, best friends included (that's a lesson to you college kids: don't trust anyone if you are going to lie. Lie to everyone until it blows over. Your friends will understand later. Don't be tempted)
A couple days later, I was talking to an RA that I was friends with and I asked what was written, and he told me, and it was exactly what I had written, so then I asked "well how is that racist?" He looked at me like I was an idiot and said "dude, she's from India; she's got a dot on her forehead. She was in tears all night"
Quote:I've never been in jail. In fact, I've never even been in a jail. In fact, I've never been in a cell, a police car, detained by a cop, or been in any type of trouble with the law
ha, loser. you'll never be cool like me and keyser :21:
No way sister, I heard Galt once ripped the tag off a mattress, he's bad ass old-school gangsta
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<font color = maroon size = 1>
Your pocket Bible will stop an assailant's bullet, but not before it passes through four innocent bystanders, a school-bus gas tank, and your genitals.