i arrive at the airport early as a rule and ask for the emergency aisle seat near the window. i get an entire extra row of legroom since they remove the seat next to the emergency exit. i have received that seat on nearly every flight i've taken.
and first class is nice, but certainly not worth the money.
It may not be the norm that they actual sell 10% over their capacity on every flight, however it is the norm for them to ATTEMPT to sell tickets 10% over their capacity as some kind of money saving precautionary messure. This being my point which may have been muddled because of my unclear initial post.
diceisgod Wrote:It may not be the norm that they actual sell 10% over their capacity on every flight, however it is the norm for them to ATTEMPT to sell tickets 10% over their capacity as some kind of money saving precautionary messure. This being my point which may have been muddled because of my unclear initial post.
I'm still wondering why you decided to fly out of a little dinky airport. You brought this misery on yourself. And if you want to fly cheaper, never fly on a Monday, Friday, or Sunday. And if you book more than two weeks in advance, you can usually save around 20% - which means you can afford to fly direct.
As for the room thing, I'm with Keyser, always ask for the emergency exit row...you get about 3 or 4 extra inches. But if possible for you to fly them, American has the most legroom I've seen.
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<font color = maroon size = 1>
Your pocket Bible will stop an assailant's bullet, but not before it passes through four innocent bystanders, a school-bus gas tank, and your genitals.
way more than 3-4 inches in some cases, like my flight to san antonio, an entire seat was missing in front of me, i could stretch my legs completely on that flight with the emergency aisle seat by the window.
i actually say next to john davidson on that flight, that loser host from hollywood squares. weird thing is he took the same flight in and back with me. he flew first class in to san antonio and sat next to me in the business class on the way back. you should have seen the look on his face when i had already secured the coveted emergency aisle seat. i guess d list actors cant pull rank on flights.
he looks really old now, i wasnt even sure it was him until he asked me to help him get this package he had in the overhead for him and it said "J. Davidson" on the side of it so I think its a pretty good chance it was him.
Wow. Did you ask for a lock of his hair? Or maybe a vial of sweat...that would be uber-cool
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<font color = maroon size = 1>
Your pocket Bible will stop an assailant's bullet, but not before it passes through four innocent bystanders, a school-bus gas tank, and your genitals.
You still should have asked for a lock of his hair, you could have sold that shit on eBay for like, 35 cents.
And if he didn't say you could have it, just cut it off while he slept, then you'd have a better story to tell your friends than the time you got locked up
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<font color = maroon size = 1>
Your pocket Bible will stop an assailant's bullet, but not before it passes through four innocent bystanders, a school-bus gas tank, and your genitals.
Isn't that some sort of FAA violation? At minimum, the stewardesses (wow, that word is hard to type) might not want to give you another pillow if you do that.
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<font color = maroon size = 1>
Your pocket Bible will stop an assailant's bullet, but not before it passes through four innocent bystanders, a school-bus gas tank, and your genitals.
yes it is. i flew song a few weeks ago to go put my money down on my place in florida.. song is actually owned by delta.. but they are very friendly and the price is good and they have leather seats like jet blue
first of all, jet blue, i just wish they flew out of laguardia. song, i just heard about today actually, i believe it's a branch of delta. as far as overbooking, if it's a popular route they'll always be overbooked. my parents live in fla so i fly from jfk or lga to preferably fll sometimes miami if i have to althouth ft lauderdale or palm beach are often cheaper. but i've taken bumps, it's worth it if you have flexible time. the key is to threaten using their competition. i was flying back up here just before xmas a couple years ago and all area airports were closed. i had a stop over in n carolina and got stuck. i was on a late night flight and the people in the airport are never helpful. they basically handed out a sheet of paper with the booking number on it to everybody who had suddenly been stranded in charlotte. i got on the payphone in the airport and told them i had to be at work, at 10 in nyc, they told me the earliest flight they had was 9 in the morning, no good, i'd be fired. so, and here's the key. i asked them to check the other airlines for flights, and guess what, they had a seat on their 6am flight. still delayed but got me in just in time. i learned this from a time before when i volunteered my seat on a united flight which had a connection and they put me on a usairways direct flight, plus giving me a night in a hotel and 300 in flight coupons. if you show a sign of going to competition, they'll find you a seat. basically, whenever you're in a jam, ask them to find a seat on a competing airline, if there's one available they have to give it to you, i believe
Quote:basically, whenever you're in a jam, ask them to find a seat on a competing airline
I knew there was a reason I liked you.
I have to try this now. It's almost like I want my next flight to be horribly delayed so I can try it
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<font color = maroon size = 1>
Your pocket Bible will stop an assailant's bullet, but not before it passes through four innocent bystanders, a school-bus gas tank, and your genitals.