I would think a shit the size of a bowling ball would have a better chance of blocking the pipes. This discussion is pointless. If I ever meet someone who doesn't flush their shitpaper I'm gonna flush them down the toilet.
Your Russian friend probably grew up with a septic tank instead of a sewage system like we have in the civilized world. Even still, it is perfectly safe to flush toilet paper into a septic tank as long as you don't flush paper towels. And even if you do, that's what they make Rid-X for.
My dad's old place had a septic tank, now THAT is one of the nastiest inventions ever to come to be
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Your pocket Bible will stop an assailant's bullet, but not before it passes through four innocent bystanders, a school-bus gas tank, and your genitals.
it really freaks me out. i couldn't even do it when i was in greece.
don't tell anyone, but i flushed!
i also hate it when you go to a shitty house in the hamptons & they ask you not to flush unless it's poop. i can't pop a squat when someone else's piss is in the toilet below.
Quote:i can't pop a squat when someone else's piss is in the toilet below.
Afraid of the splash? j/k
Personally, I think that there are few things more putrid than fermenting piss. And what are you really doing by not flushing? There's hardly a toilet in the US today with more than a 1.5(or is it .6?) gallon flush. This means there are existing building codes to limit the amount of usage and your futile efforts are moot. As for septic systems... if you are staying or living somewhere that still uses a septic tank, you should move somewhere than has sewage if you are so concerned with waste and waste management.
Finally, if you take a piss and don't flush, I will thwart your efforts by flushing before I piss. So, nyah~! :21: