Quote:I remember when Democrats warned of going into a protracted campaign and occupation of Iraq, while forces were still in Afghanistan, and needed in Korea,
Conservatives gave us a patronizing smile, and assured us "We can walk and chew gum at the same time".
Why did the Democrats vote to authorize the conflict?
Quote:Because that wonderful president of ours gave Saddam an ultimateum.
Kinda thought that the UN gave the ultimatum. Also kinda thought that the previous adminstration coulda given an ultimatum.
Quote:at a time when unemployment for the rest of the nation is soaring?
Soaring? I draw colored lines on a fucking computer all day long, if unemployment is soaring, I guess my number's up soon.
Quote:the tax cut was not presented by the administration as "A plan to make it more fair for rich people" as it truly is,
but rather as
"an economic stimulus plan" which is bullshit.
Why don't you stop tip toeing around what you really want to say, and just say it. "Rich people deserve to pay more money than everyone else."
Quote:the right scoffed and assured us there would be oil revenues to float the bill.
Sabotage and a decade of delapidated pipelines in Iraq. It's been hard to fix their pipelines when they keep blowing them up. Remember that movie "The Super", when Kritzkey's father rationalizes why you shouldn't attempt to fix the building's infrastructure? "You fix the plumbing? They throw chicken bones in the toliet. You fix the heating? They piss in the hot air ducts!"
Well, anyway, we need to get their oil going, but of course we can't let the most qualified firm do the job, because that would look bad.
Quote:almost everyone in the nation got "something" in the cut,
even po folk who pay squat got a bone thrown to them,
my point was, that the tax plan was structured so that the biggest benefit hit the top of the pyramid,
are you too dense to understand that?
Now, just come out and say "We should be taking money from the rich people, and give it back to the poor. That way, every one is the same."
when the top 2% actually start tipping well i will back tax cuts to the rich. but in my experience rich people are the stingiest of all so stop giving them money.
Quote:Why did the Democrats vote to authorize the conflict?
Because the Republican's were selling fear,
still are.
Because anyone who stood against the war was being accused of being a Commie.
Because Republican's were telling America, the Democrats were not capable of dealing with terrorism.
This was working, Republican's rode the election wave based on fear.
This vote was called as a stragedy move,
called to make Democrats either be on record as voting for it,
or putting targets on their chest as being "anti american"
Democrats for the most part went along like sheep,
they were in a no win situation,
but the basic understanding was that this was a "republican war" based on facts presented by the administration. Democrats are now calling the facts they were given into question.
Ken'sPen Wrote:This vote was called as a stragedy move
I've seen people mispronounce the word, but not actually spell it such a retarded way.
Do you type "foilage" and "nucular" too?
politicians always win elections based on fear. Republican and Democrats alike. When was the last time you can think of a candidate whose message was positive and optomistic about what they were going to do rather than their opponent would destroy your life if they won.
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Your pocket Bible will stop an assailant's bullet, but not before it passes through four innocent bystanders, a school-bus gas tank, and your genitals.
We are approaching an election year,
the Democratic hopefulls are starting to stump.
They are voicing their displeasure with the current administration,
AT EVERY election the party out of office needs to explain why the current guy is doing a bad job, and why they think they could do a better job.
YET, the Republicans, both in office, or mouthpieces such as Fox News or Talk Radio, are crying that the Democrats are attacking the president..... well what are they supposed to do?
AT Least, they are sticking to issues and policy.
For eight years the Republicans mounted a serious attack based upon Character and Morals, It was relentless, and most did not contain substance as to the job Clinton did in office.
the assault on Bush has been fairly limited to his tenure in office....
many issues such as the ties to Enron have not been broached....
His personal life demons were also not attacked.......
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Your pocket Bible will stop an assailant's bullet, but not before it passes through four innocent bystanders, a school-bus gas tank, and your genitals.
Classic Example,
going into the war with Iraq a few entertainers voiced their opinions against going....
The response, (right or wrong) from the Republicans was that entertainers should stick to what they do and realize that their opinions aren't worth much, and that they are famous for acting etc.
But there was a HUGE outcry from the right that hollywood should just shut up....
When the people of Hollywood are on their side of the fence, it's all fine and dandy.
Republican's embraced Arnold in his run for Governor,
what qualifications does he have,
What aside from fame and "image" does he have working for him?
What actors have embraced Arnold i his run for governor?
As I recall, Hollywood has been incredibly mum about the whole dilly
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Your pocket Bible will stop an assailant's bullet, but not before it passes through four innocent bystanders, a school-bus gas tank, and your genitals.
Best we can prove, Bush never lied to Congress. That was the reason for the impeachment. Who cares what it was about.
Do you not think that the media is filled liberals? Notice, how I didn't say that Democrats run the media. That's not what I mean. I'm not saying there's any conspiracy or anything, I'm just saying that the vast majority of those in the press are liberals. Specifically the Washington Press Corps who write and report all the goings on in Washington are decidedly liberal which puts a slant on the news. I remember a poll after the '92 election that over 90% of the Washington Press Corps voted for Clinton; barely 40% of the general public voted for him.
Now, I would do the same thing. It's human nature. If I were a reporter, my stories would be slanted to my point of view. Even if I were trying to be objective, there will be biases. There's no denying it.
And so talk radio and one channel are conservative. If liberals could fill that many hours of interesting radio, they could have liberal radio show hosts....like Mario Cuomo's brilliant and successful attempt at radio. And left still have ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, and all the print media under their control, so they shouldn't feel threatened.
I STRONGLY object to HOW Clinton was brought to lie to Congress.
A white water investigation that went on for years and years was held,
and became a witch hunt.
a whole series of ugly events was going on behind the scenes to put Clinton on the stand to ask questions of his morals.
He was put in the position to answer questions that were NOT relevant and should NOT be asked of a president.... at least not while in office.
the whole Linda Tripp thing makes me naceaus, (spelling?)
I will NOT defend Clinton for being a skirt chaser,
or say he did the right thing by lying.
I think what the Republicans did to him was a disgrace. They wanted him out at any cost, and worked hard to orchestrate his demise. that to me is DAMN close to treason.
Whitewater was about a couple of dollars and was put under a microscope,
The Bush Cheney tie to ENRON is much much more damning,
happened while they were in office, AND
is not being looked into.
Quote:If liberals could fill that many hours of interesting radio, they could have liberal radio show hosts
I really wish that WABC would bring back Ed Koch and ALSO have Lynn Samuels on more often. Those are the two MOST entertaining and interesting liberals I have heard on talk RADIO.
Quote:ken has a good point, but i bet the dems will pull out the moral and personal stuff later on.
Later on?? They've already jumped up TO attention with this 1977 interview Arnold GAVE about gang banging a black CHICK and smoking grass and hash.