I'll play if someone can hook me up with plane tickets and a hotel room.
I play good first base.
even if we did, I bet you wouldn't be able to come...
You don't read very well...
It was Paxil Poppin Chub Chub who could not come. Because of that, I would not come alone as I didn't have the cash to pay for it all myself and I cannot drive alone. I have a tendency to fall asleep at the wheel.
well trish and i are still coming, and both of us will play, her if needed. i still have no glove, but i figure if some one handed pitcher can catch a ball and then take the glove off his hand and be able to throw, well i'm sure i can do something like that
I got the e-mail asking me to come back to the board....so here I am. I won't be at the game. For one thing...I don't live in New York. For another...I'll be at The Molson Chiller Beach Party here.
Good luck to both teams. Try not to pull or strain anything.