A little to the left today, it's wierd, usually it's to the right in the morning and then to the left in the afternoon. Must mean a strange day's ahead
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Your pocket Bible will stop an assailant's bullet, but not before it passes through four innocent bystanders, a school-bus gas tank, and your genitals.
You mean I could have been deleted from the site and never had to deal with another bitchy comment from crx girl in my entire life instead of being dragged back here by some "nicey-nice" e-mail from someone I don't know? :35:
I guess I only have myself to blame for coming back. I suck. :29:
And PS...Sleeper...nice to see you're still the same, pathetic, needing to pick on past regulars to boost your self-esteem asshole I always knew and loved during the Arpi fights. Thank God you're witty....you haven't got much else going for you in this life.