Unfortunately, it's impossible not to pollute...you have to do what you can, not litter, recycle, clean up parks and beaches, ride your bike instead of driving...
Do you know that the lumber industry is allowed to cut trees from National [protected] forests.
And the other day, on the front page of the Asbury Park Press, the NJ Builders Assn. is starting a campaign to get more land developed in NJ. (NJ Is already the MOST developed state in the country) They were stating that the reason houses are so expensive here is because we allow for too much land to be protected in this state :disappointed:
Edited By Spitfire on Aug. 16 2002 at 10:24
<center>In the 60's people took acid to make the world weird. Now the world is weird and people take Prozac to make it normal.</center>
Quote:sometimes Polly it is the small things you do.....
like not driving a big assed SUV if you don't need it.
trying to recycle or reuse.
just do what you can.
The small things I may do doesn't excuse the fact that the average American uses more electricity a year than certain countries do (I read this in that book). We're a greedy society...we like our comforts... Even when it comes to food we're stupid....we use so much grain to feed cattle, etc. when one cow doesn't produce as much food as the food we're feeding it...like if we all ate the grain instead of the cow, there'd be so much more food....but we need our burgers....
Oh no we took it back to far
Only love can save us now.....
Ken if you ever study the evolution of the planet you will find that the largest concentration of plant eating dino's were concentrated in Utah, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Northern Texas and Southern Colorado. The other largest known concentration on the plannet was in the caucus regions of central Asia, another high plains desert region today.The area was one a plush rain forest. Many scientists have theorized for years that the plant eating dinos died off first becuse of starvation. They ate all of the vegitation faster than it could replenish itself. The brontosaures(sp) was a huge SOB that ate constantly. The accepted belief of why bronto fossils are often found in tact is that they just laid down and died of starvation. The meteor that struck in northern Arizona is believed to have wiped out the rest of the dino population.
Quote:Even when it comes to food we're stupid....we use so much grain to feed cattle, etc. when one cow doesn't produce as much food as the food we're feeding it...like if we all ate the grain instead of the cow, there'd be so much more food....but we need our burgers....
The US is the world's bread basket. The midwest produces enough grain to feed every starving nation in the world. Just nobody willing to pay to send it over there.
We use too much of our grain for non direct food related purposes though. In the book I mentioned earlier in the thread, it quotes just how much grain we use for feeding livestock and its amazing. I'm not preaching vegetarianism (I'm not one myself), but America appears to be the leader when it comes to environmental abuse.
Oh no we took it back to far
Only love can save us now.....
Arthur, if you have'nt done so yet, treat yourself and visit the Kitsip Penninsula in the state of Washington. Some of the largest lumbering operations in the world, co existing with untouched/protected forrest lands and the only remaining rain forrest in North America. It is some of the most beautiful terrain in the contenental US.
And trust me folks I want the planet to survive as we all do. I do what I can not to pollute and waste. Yes I could do better as we all could. But the tree hugging thing is the hippie movement of the 80's to current. I have travelled extensively in places like Alska, The Yukon, British Columbia and Siberia. That small section of the planet alone has enough trees that will never be used by man for anything. There are many other parts of the world with as many trees. The rain forests were abused. It was a mistake. Shame on man for wasting what he did there. The world is not going to run out of trees.
I saw a story on the island of Tasmania and the battle they are having with the lumber industry. Some of the rearest species in the world are endangered because they are dependant on a specific mix of old growth trees and complex underbrush. It is impossible to replant the underbrush, so as logging expands it threatens the existance of these species.
The trick is finding a balance between the necessity of manufacturing, lumber, waste disposal, etc. and the need to preserve the existance of species of plants and animals. Some places do it well, others are pretty abusive.
I got a kick a few weeks back when all the save the whale folks dashed out to Nantucket to push the beached pilot whales back into the ocean. The whales got so pissed they beached themselves again the next day. Leave the fucking whales alone to die. They know what they're doing. Nature was thinning their herd.
We are all destined to die before the planet, that's just the way things go. To think that we can control the planet is just ridiculous. We can't even keep our own kind from starving to death and killing each other. How are we gonna save the planet.
Fuck hugging a tree! Chop that fucker down and build a house for a needy family. Saving the planet for the people of the future is stupid, if you are going to let people die today as a result.