how about nantucket nectars half and half? half iced tea, half lemonade. truly nectar of the gods. plus there are more useless facts under the cap.
I'm not stalking, dammit. I've been happily stalking someone else for the last 10 years. I'm just commenting. That's all, just commenting. Nothing more. Don't read into this. That's it.
...A chicken once had its head cut off and survived for over eighteen months, headless.
...The IRS employees tax manual has instructions for collecting taxes after a nuclear war.
...Coconuts kill more people in the world than sharks do. Approximately 150 people are killed each year by coconuts.
...India has a Bill of Rights for cows.
...A B-25 bomber airplane crashed into the 79th floor of the Empire State Building on July 28, 1945.
I have taken approx 30,000 pisses in my lifetime. Snapple didn't tell me that one directly.... I just counted how many times I peed after I drank a lot of Snapple.
<p align="center">
<p align="center">Swing and a miss... and he looked like a dildo. Shake it uuuuuup.</p>
Quote:you know whats good? eating a paper cup of the powder/sugar shit
I dont recommend that. Your eyes try to suck back Into your head from the tartness.
Original nestea In the glass bottle owns, man, but I dont think they make It anymore.
Useless fact #325-This thread started as a "trivia" thread, and not a "Favorite Iced tea" thread.