11-01-2002, 07:24 PM
I'm out and about this morning, just finished running an errand for my boss, my eyelids hardly staying open, when I pass a 7-11...I decide a cup of coffee might help perk me up so I pull in and get out of the car...I walk in and grab a cup, when what do I see? THAT'S RIGHT, a beautiful mug of Blueberry Creme, just sitting there, like the holy grail...So I pour myself a cup, pour in some creamer.....I'm hooked, I bought 2 cups of the stuff and they were gone before I got back home. Now I know why Gonzo called it the crack of coffee....Drugs can't hold a candle to this shit, it puts you in this constant state of euphoria that must be experienced...
I want more, but I'm too lazy to drive and get some more.
I want more, but I'm too lazy to drive and get some more.