12-16-2002, 03:48 PM
what about christmas tips?
mailman= $20
Garbagemen=$10 (They did not pick up my garbage 3x this year)
At full service gas stations I usually pump my own gas because they are 2 fucking lazy to get up and do it. Of course when I do it, they come running over. I tip at bars, restaurants, barber and at other places if I have spare change I don't need at the time I'll throw it in.
mailman= $20
Garbagemen=$10 (They did not pick up my garbage 3x this year)
At full service gas stations I usually pump my own gas because they are 2 fucking lazy to get up and do it. Of course when I do it, they come running over. I tip at bars, restaurants, barber and at other places if I have spare change I don't need at the time I'll throw it in.