09-30-2003, 10:37 PM
[yomp666] Hi wanna chat?
[ellis_wyatt] so what's your name, or is it yomp?
[yomp666] pam
[ellis_wyatt] So, Pam, where are you from?
[yomp666] canada
[ellis_wyatt] Is that a state?
[ellis_wyatt] do you have electricity?
[yomp666] yes...i am on the comp..aren't i?
[ellis_wyatt] I was joking
[yomp666] lol...i don't live in hick ville
[ellis_wyatt] Why don;'t you blow me, asshole
[yomp666] what brought that on?
[ellis_wyatt] Oops, sorry that was from a different chat
[yomp666] k.
[yomp666] you scared me...i thought you were sensative or something..hahah lol
[ellis_wyatt] how old are you?
[yomp666] 20
[yomp666] i just got back from the wwf payperview
[ellis_wyatt] You must be a redneck hick?
[yomp666] yeah
[ellis_wyatt] I am tired and horny sorry
[yomp666] k
[ellis_wyatt] I got some gay guy trying to hit on me
[ellis_wyatt] that's where all the anger is coming from
[yomp666] r u a guy???
[ellis_wyatt] Yes, I'm a guy (but not THAT type of guy)
[yomp666] i thought so...just checking...
[ellis_wyatt] so back to your nipples
[ellis_wyatt] I have a cat you know
[yomp666] i have three cats
[ellis_wyatt] I only have one pussy
[yomp666] oh in that case i have 4 pussies
[yomp666] ( :
[yomp666] prrrrrrrr
[ellis_wyatt] I thought you said you had three cats?
[yomp666] i am a chick...so i have another pussy..ahhah
[ellis_wyatt] Oh, you're being disgusting
[yomp666] j/king
[ellis_wyatt] Are you trying cyber "hump" me
[yomp666] no
[ellis_wyatt] you need to go to church, you sinner
[ellis_wyatt] why not, don't you like me?
[ellis_wyatt] I'm cute
[ellis_wyatt] I've got a nice butt, and a cat too
[yomp666] i love nice asses..
[ellis_wyatt] I only like girls asses becuase boys have too much hair on them
[yomp666] i should go to church and confess my sins..but that would take too much time.
[yomp666] ( :
[ellis_wyatt] since you're the devil
[yomp666] no because i am a naughty girl
[ellis_wyatt] 666
[ellis_wyatt] I like to spank naughty girls
[yomp666] my friend picked my name..
[yomp666] and i like to be spanked.
[ellis_wyatt] Ohhh, that
[ellis_wyatt] that's interesting
[ellis_wyatt] did we cover what type of music you like?
[yomp666] nope just my nipples...hahha
[yomp666] i have a wide and wierd selection of tunes i like..
[ellis_wyatt] I broke my leg
[yomp666] that sucks....
[yomp666] how?
[ellis_wyatt] I broke it in a hockey game
[yomp666] oh that sucks...i sprained my knee......so i can't dance unless i am drunk...
[yomp666] feeling no pain
[ellis_wyatt] I just scored the winning goal in overtime in the beanpot and my teammates pig piled on me, and I tore a ligament in my knee
[ellis_wyatt] That's hockey by the way
[ellis_wyatt] Oh, I already told you it was hockey. Sorry I'm on pain killers
[ellis_wyatt] that's why I'm kinda o spacy
[yomp666] your story is more interesting than mine...i was in a drunken stupor and i tried over my cat and sprained my knee.
[ellis_wyatt] That's nice, can I fuck you in a bad place?
[yomp666] triped...
[yomp666] your fucked up man
[ellis_wyatt] your language confuses me
[yomp666] what u mean??
[ellis_wyatt] I really am. I don't know what I'm on. I probably shouldn't have taken Ecstacy too
[yomp666] i think that two stoned idiots would understand each other...but we are having a hell of a time...haha
[ellis_wyatt] I'm sorry that was very forward of me asking to do that to you. I didn't even ask if you enjoyed anal first.
[yomp666] i don't
[ellis_wyatt] well I wouldn't have just rammed it in, I would have eased it in all gentle and stuff. I'm a caring guy
[yomp666] what kinda drugs u into?
[ellis_wyatt] besides beer, and whatever this is, E, and weed mostly
[ellis_wyatt] shrooms too
[yomp666] i love acid..that is my fave....and weed...shrooms...hash..shit like that...and i love to drink..beer, vodka, rum, actually most things...i am always ready to try new things..
[ellis_wyatt] It's 1:15, on a Sunday, do you think it's too late for me to make a booty call tonight?
[ellis_wyatt] I gotta get my nuts licked tonight
[yomp666] no.
[ellis_wyatt] where doy ou live in Canda?
[yomp666] it is never to late for that..
[yomp666] novaScotai
[ellis_wyatt] Shit, that' snorth of California
[yomp666] why you want my booty?
[ellis_wyatt] I wouldda paid for you to get a cab down here and I wouldda goo'd on your boobies
[ellis_wyatt] I'm trying to be clean and classy, you dig?
[yomp666] yeah..
[ellis_wyatt] I just don't wanna hang up and make a phone call
[yomp666] k
[ellis_wyatt] I'd beat off now, but I'm too lazy
[ellis_wyatt] what is your favorite vacation spot?
[yomp666] you need some one to do it for you...thats all..
[yomp666] i don't know...i usually go to New Bruinswick....
[yomp666] i got family there
[ellis_wyatt] and the last time you got laid?
[yomp666] fri nite
[ellis_wyatt] very interesting. I've been to New Brunswick. all over Canada really. PEI too
[yomp666] u?
[ellis_wyatt] It's been a while. I just broke my leg, so I've been out of commission for about a week
[yomp666] that sucks..
[ellis_wyatt] So I guess it was last Monday
[yomp666] i was so fucked up on fri nite..i didn;t feel my knee...
[ellis_wyatt] but I beat off A LOT
[ellis_wyatt] that's becuase he was having sex with you
[yomp666] yeah..i was feeling other things....he distracted me i guess..heheheh
[ellis_wyatt] do you have any brothers and sisters
[yomp666] a sis
[ellis_wyatt] older or younger? do you go to college?
[yomp666] older...not any more..
[yomp666] i am a nanny.
[ellis_wyatt] that's cool. Parents still together?
[yomp666] nope....
[ellis_wyatt] Do you swallow?
[yomp666] yes
[yomp666] me and my sis moved out
[ellis_wyatt] Interesting. very interesting
[ellis_wyatt] I like this give and take we have going on here
[yomp666] ( :
[ellis_wyatt] So you don't like it in the bad place. why not
[yomp666] i don't know
[ellis_wyatt] have you tried it?
[yomp666] no...
[ellis_wyatt] so then you might be convinced into it, I see.....
[b][ellis_wyatt] How tall are you?
[yomp666] 5foot4
[ellis_wyatt] and how much do you weigh?
[yomp666] 170
[ellis_wyatt] Wow!
[ellis_wyatt] See how much you are opening up here. Does anyone else know you this much
[yomp666] my best friend nows a shit load more...
[yomp666] i can tell him anything
[ellis_wyatt] does he know you swallow
[yomp666] yes..he knows more about my sex life than anyone....
[ellis_wyatt] Is that 170 in pounds, or is that like the metric system or something?
[yomp666] pounds
[ellis_wyatt] you are a fat fuck
[ellis_wyatt] not that there's anything wrong with that, tubby
[yomp666] you know that i could have a huge issue with my weight..and that could have pushed me over the edge and i could have killed myself or something....
[yomp666] but i don't..
[yomp666] i don't give a fuck...
[ellis_wyatt] apparantly you don't, or you wouldn't weigh half a metric ton
[yomp666] great
[ellis_wyatt] but that would be something if I was the one who caused it
[yomp666] you would have to be proud of yourself....
[ellis_wyatt] only if I could prove it
[ellis_wyatt] in your note, can you mention that it was me, by name. They can probably trace me from my Napster name
[yomp666] ok..i'll go do that right now...i have to rememeber..ellis_wyatt....and where are you from again....just in case
[ellis_wyatt] Boston
[ellis_wyatt] Good luck. And remember, cut with the grain of your vein. It's an easy rhyme to remember, even with all the cellulite swimming around your brain
[yomp666] which is your choice of death?
[yomp666] ()xxx]===========]
[yomp666] or
[yomp666] ()------{}''''''|''''''''|}-------]
[ellis_wyatt] knife is the cleanest
[ellis_wyatt] those are interesting drawings. You're pretty talented. I don't care what everyoen else in society says about lardos being useless.
[yomp666] you are pretty smart for a dumbass.
[yomp666] ô¿ô
[yomp666] . V
[ellis_wyatt] I'm smart for anyone. I'm smart becuase I'm not destroying my body with twinkies and big macs
[yomp666] neither am i asshole....harass someone else....you brainless wonder
[ellis_wyatt] You messaged me first, clumpy
[yomp666] ok..i have to go now....i probably won't talk to you again...so i will say goodbye now....
[ellis_wyatt] Oink!
[yomp666] goodbye....
[ellis_wyatt] can you email and let me know what a heart attack feels like, orca?
Edited By Galt on 1064962170
[ellis_wyatt] so what's your name, or is it yomp?
[yomp666] pam
[ellis_wyatt] So, Pam, where are you from?
[yomp666] canada
[ellis_wyatt] Is that a state?
[ellis_wyatt] do you have electricity?
[yomp666] yes...i am on the comp..aren't i?
[ellis_wyatt] I was joking
[yomp666] lol...i don't live in hick ville
[ellis_wyatt] Why don;'t you blow me, asshole
[yomp666] what brought that on?
[ellis_wyatt] Oops, sorry that was from a different chat
[yomp666] k.
[yomp666] you scared me...i thought you were sensative or something..hahah lol
[ellis_wyatt] how old are you?
[yomp666] 20
[yomp666] i just got back from the wwf payperview
[ellis_wyatt] You must be a redneck hick?
[yomp666] yeah
[ellis_wyatt] I am tired and horny sorry
[yomp666] k
[ellis_wyatt] I got some gay guy trying to hit on me
[ellis_wyatt] that's where all the anger is coming from
[yomp666] r u a guy???
[ellis_wyatt] Yes, I'm a guy (but not THAT type of guy)
[yomp666] i thought so...just checking...
[ellis_wyatt] so back to your nipples
[ellis_wyatt] I have a cat you know
[yomp666] i have three cats
[ellis_wyatt] I only have one pussy
[yomp666] oh in that case i have 4 pussies
[yomp666] ( :
[yomp666] prrrrrrrr
[ellis_wyatt] I thought you said you had three cats?
[yomp666] i am a chick...so i have another pussy..ahhah
[ellis_wyatt] Oh, you're being disgusting
[yomp666] j/king
[ellis_wyatt] Are you trying cyber "hump" me
[yomp666] no
[ellis_wyatt] you need to go to church, you sinner
[ellis_wyatt] why not, don't you like me?
[ellis_wyatt] I'm cute
[ellis_wyatt] I've got a nice butt, and a cat too
[yomp666] i love nice asses..
[ellis_wyatt] I only like girls asses becuase boys have too much hair on them
[yomp666] i should go to church and confess my sins..but that would take too much time.
[yomp666] ( :
[ellis_wyatt] since you're the devil
[yomp666] no because i am a naughty girl
[ellis_wyatt] 666
[ellis_wyatt] I like to spank naughty girls
[yomp666] my friend picked my name..
[yomp666] and i like to be spanked.
[ellis_wyatt] Ohhh, that
[ellis_wyatt] that's interesting
[ellis_wyatt] did we cover what type of music you like?
[yomp666] nope just my nipples...hahha
[yomp666] i have a wide and wierd selection of tunes i like..
[ellis_wyatt] I broke my leg
[yomp666] that sucks....
[yomp666] how?
[ellis_wyatt] I broke it in a hockey game
[yomp666] oh that sucks...i sprained my knee......so i can't dance unless i am drunk...
[yomp666] feeling no pain
[ellis_wyatt] I just scored the winning goal in overtime in the beanpot and my teammates pig piled on me, and I tore a ligament in my knee
[ellis_wyatt] That's hockey by the way
[ellis_wyatt] Oh, I already told you it was hockey. Sorry I'm on pain killers
[ellis_wyatt] that's why I'm kinda o spacy
[yomp666] your story is more interesting than mine...i was in a drunken stupor and i tried over my cat and sprained my knee.
[ellis_wyatt] That's nice, can I fuck you in a bad place?
[yomp666] triped...
[yomp666] your fucked up man
[ellis_wyatt] your language confuses me
[yomp666] what u mean??
[ellis_wyatt] I really am. I don't know what I'm on. I probably shouldn't have taken Ecstacy too
[yomp666] i think that two stoned idiots would understand each other...but we are having a hell of a time...haha
[ellis_wyatt] I'm sorry that was very forward of me asking to do that to you. I didn't even ask if you enjoyed anal first.
[yomp666] i don't
[ellis_wyatt] well I wouldn't have just rammed it in, I would have eased it in all gentle and stuff. I'm a caring guy
[yomp666] what kinda drugs u into?
[ellis_wyatt] besides beer, and whatever this is, E, and weed mostly
[ellis_wyatt] shrooms too
[yomp666] i love acid..that is my fave....and weed...shrooms...hash..shit like that...and i love to drink..beer, vodka, rum, actually most things...i am always ready to try new things..
[ellis_wyatt] It's 1:15, on a Sunday, do you think it's too late for me to make a booty call tonight?
[ellis_wyatt] I gotta get my nuts licked tonight
[yomp666] no.
[ellis_wyatt] where doy ou live in Canda?
[yomp666] it is never to late for that..
[yomp666] novaScotai
[ellis_wyatt] Shit, that' snorth of California
[yomp666] why you want my booty?
[ellis_wyatt] I wouldda paid for you to get a cab down here and I wouldda goo'd on your boobies
[ellis_wyatt] I'm trying to be clean and classy, you dig?
[yomp666] yeah..
[ellis_wyatt] I just don't wanna hang up and make a phone call
[yomp666] k
[ellis_wyatt] I'd beat off now, but I'm too lazy
[ellis_wyatt] what is your favorite vacation spot?
[yomp666] you need some one to do it for you...thats all..
[yomp666] i don't know...i usually go to New Bruinswick....
[yomp666] i got family there
[ellis_wyatt] and the last time you got laid?
[yomp666] fri nite
[ellis_wyatt] very interesting. I've been to New Brunswick. all over Canada really. PEI too
[yomp666] u?
[ellis_wyatt] It's been a while. I just broke my leg, so I've been out of commission for about a week
[yomp666] that sucks..
[ellis_wyatt] So I guess it was last Monday
[yomp666] i was so fucked up on fri nite..i didn;t feel my knee...
[ellis_wyatt] but I beat off A LOT
[ellis_wyatt] that's becuase he was having sex with you
[yomp666] yeah..i was feeling other things....he distracted me i guess..heheheh
[ellis_wyatt] do you have any brothers and sisters
[yomp666] a sis
[ellis_wyatt] older or younger? do you go to college?
[yomp666] older...not any more..
[yomp666] i am a nanny.
[ellis_wyatt] that's cool. Parents still together?
[yomp666] nope....
[ellis_wyatt] Do you swallow?
[yomp666] yes
[yomp666] me and my sis moved out
[ellis_wyatt] Interesting. very interesting
[ellis_wyatt] I like this give and take we have going on here
[yomp666] ( :
[ellis_wyatt] So you don't like it in the bad place. why not
[yomp666] i don't know
[ellis_wyatt] have you tried it?
[yomp666] no...
[ellis_wyatt] so then you might be convinced into it, I see.....
[b][ellis_wyatt] How tall are you?
[yomp666] 5foot4
[ellis_wyatt] and how much do you weigh?
[yomp666] 170
[ellis_wyatt] Wow!
[ellis_wyatt] See how much you are opening up here. Does anyone else know you this much
[yomp666] my best friend nows a shit load more...
[yomp666] i can tell him anything
[ellis_wyatt] does he know you swallow
[yomp666] yes..he knows more about my sex life than anyone....
[ellis_wyatt] Is that 170 in pounds, or is that like the metric system or something?
[yomp666] pounds
[ellis_wyatt] you are a fat fuck
[ellis_wyatt] not that there's anything wrong with that, tubby
[yomp666] you know that i could have a huge issue with my weight..and that could have pushed me over the edge and i could have killed myself or something....
[yomp666] but i don't..
[yomp666] i don't give a fuck...
[ellis_wyatt] apparantly you don't, or you wouldn't weigh half a metric ton
[yomp666] great
[ellis_wyatt] but that would be something if I was the one who caused it
[yomp666] you would have to be proud of yourself....
[ellis_wyatt] only if I could prove it
[ellis_wyatt] in your note, can you mention that it was me, by name. They can probably trace me from my Napster name
[yomp666] ok..i'll go do that right now...i have to rememeber..ellis_wyatt....and where are you from again....just in case
[ellis_wyatt] Boston
[ellis_wyatt] Good luck. And remember, cut with the grain of your vein. It's an easy rhyme to remember, even with all the cellulite swimming around your brain
[yomp666] which is your choice of death?
[yomp666] ()xxx]===========]
[yomp666] or
[yomp666] ()------{}''''''|''''''''|}-------]
[ellis_wyatt] knife is the cleanest
[ellis_wyatt] those are interesting drawings. You're pretty talented. I don't care what everyoen else in society says about lardos being useless.
[yomp666] you are pretty smart for a dumbass.
[yomp666] ô¿ô
[yomp666] . V
[ellis_wyatt] I'm smart for anyone. I'm smart becuase I'm not destroying my body with twinkies and big macs
[yomp666] neither am i asshole....harass someone else....you brainless wonder
[ellis_wyatt] You messaged me first, clumpy
[yomp666] ok..i have to go now....i probably won't talk to you again...so i will say goodbye now....
[ellis_wyatt] Oink!
[yomp666] goodbye....
[ellis_wyatt] can you email and let me know what a heart attack feels like, orca?
Edited By Galt on 1064962170