06-11-2004, 03:49 PM
So I can't get Thai food for lunch apparently because the place closed today in observance of Reagan dying. And then one of our delivery guys showed up exclaiming "I didn't think you guys were going to be open today... with Reagan getting buried and all." Why should we be closed? Are all these small shops and businesses really closing today for this? I can understand government offices and businesses shutting down in DC, but why should it affect a normal business day for us here in Jersey? The delivery guy then asked us "if we offered our condolences to the Reagan family." I immediately think he means drive down to DC and get in line with the schlubs to look at a dead president. No, he goes on to say, there's a few message boards up so grief-striken americans like myself can offer well wishes and tidings to the Reagans. So here goes...
Sorry your husband died ten years ago and you buried him today. Keep your chin up.
Sorry your husband died ten years ago and you buried him today. Keep your chin up.