08-09-2004, 06:26 PM
Hey, if you're bored and want to be my best friend, click on this link and follow these steps. it actually works, people have gotten free ipods! thanks
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.freeiPods.com/default.aspx?referer=7736310">http://www.freeiPods.com/default.aspx?referer=7736310</a><!-- m -->
1. enter the referral link in your browser (use IE if possible, some others won't support the ASP scripts). this link will be different based on the person who is referring you, so make sure you enter the right one or use the invitation you have been emailed. if it doesn't connect, wait a half-hour or so and try again.
2. when the browser connects, enter the information for your account to sign-up.
3. click "no" through all of the ad questions til it gets to the end
4. pick one of the free-trial-offers. ebay is the easiest. when you click on the ebay or other offer link on the "complete offer" page, two windows will open. DO NOT CLOSE EITHER. this is important for giving you and your referrer both a credit.
5. register on ebay in the window provided and make a bid or do one of the other free offers.
6. verify your email on the "account status" page. complete all the steps until it says "Your Status: Congratulations! You have completed your requirements. Now just get 5
friends to complete an offer. " ***you may have to wait 1-3 days for the offer to be registered and for this confirmation message to appear***. be patient.
7. refer 5 or more friends who will complete the above process successfully (send them this FAQ).
8. wait to cancel your free offer until all of referrals have been completed. if you don't wait, your account could potentially be put on hold indefinitely.
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.freeiPods.com/default.aspx?referer=7736310">http://www.freeiPods.com/default.aspx?referer=7736310</a><!-- m -->
1. enter the referral link in your browser (use IE if possible, some others won't support the ASP scripts). this link will be different based on the person who is referring you, so make sure you enter the right one or use the invitation you have been emailed. if it doesn't connect, wait a half-hour or so and try again.
2. when the browser connects, enter the information for your account to sign-up.
3. click "no" through all of the ad questions til it gets to the end
4. pick one of the free-trial-offers. ebay is the easiest. when you click on the ebay or other offer link on the "complete offer" page, two windows will open. DO NOT CLOSE EITHER. this is important for giving you and your referrer both a credit.
5. register on ebay in the window provided and make a bid or do one of the other free offers.
6. verify your email on the "account status" page. complete all the steps until it says "Your Status: Congratulations! You have completed your requirements. Now just get 5
friends to complete an offer. " ***you may have to wait 1-3 days for the offer to be registered and for this confirmation message to appear***. be patient.
7. refer 5 or more friends who will complete the above process successfully (send them this FAQ).
8. wait to cancel your free offer until all of referrals have been completed. if you don't wait, your account could potentially be put on hold indefinitely.
<center><img src="http://resized.filevend.com/anon/6d4hOYr3.gif"></center>