10-14-2004, 05:53 PM
Gooch Wrote:my note to Jack....there is a big difference between Eddie and Sean. Sean is a piece of shit. He is a lying, two-faced, rumormongering, drama-creating, bottomfeeding motherfucker. I hope his gay brother gives him AIDS. Be glad you don't talk to the vile piece of garbage.Can I come and post on your site?
Eddie has done a great job staying out of shit, and though i haven't always gotten along with him over the years, i think he's a brilliant poster and has done good by the site. He's kept CDIH insulated from other sites, trends, etc...and it's been a steady constant with core members. and I think thats all he wants it to be, besides a few new peeps here and there. I see nothing but consistency with his leadership since taking over...the oa.com demise was the only thing that was against that...and that is ancient history. That and the "great" Spidey DVD debacle.
And do you need any help coding it?