35 members
31 active members
15 people online at any given time
average posts per user: 35
average words per post: 8.34
average emoticons per post: .792
35 members
31 active members
15 people online at any given time
average posts per user: 35
average words per post: 8.34
average emoticons per post: .792
but wrong.
which ironically enough, is your usual.
There are four kinds of people in this world: cretins, fools, morons, and lunatics.
Enter Text to validate the ridiculous amount of time you spend online here. </center>
Lots of members. Not many active. About a half dozen online at a given time. The usual suspects have the majority of the posts overall and any given day.
it's funny that I've said more than once, and on multiple boards that Gooch is funny and good when he's not on his persecuted/crusader schtick. When he is on the persecuted/crusader rants, he's fabulously insane, incoherrent, and idiotic. So either way, I like his posts
Then Gooch cites times I (supposedly) said he was good when he wasn't posting as "gooch" and therefore didn't have an agenda of "you guys don't like me" or "leave my friends alone, asshole" but as someone that no one knew who he was, and so he was proving my point that he can be good when he drops his insecurities and just fucking posts.