01-23-2006, 09:16 PM
It's true...it's science.
Quote:London — Having a bad day? No wonder. According to one scientist, today, Jan. 23, is the gloomiest day of 2006.
Cliff Arnall, a health psychologist at the University of Cardiff in Wales, has devised a formula that combines personal and seasonal factors to calculate the year's emotional low point.
Quote:On paper, the formula looks like this:
W + (D-d) x TQ
M x NA
The variables are (W)eather, (D)ebt, (d) monthly salary, (T)ime since Christmas, time since failure to (Q)uit a bad habit, low (M)otivational levels and (NA), the need to take action.
I hold the dubious honor of being the only person never modded who has also never been to a party who in the past had a shared account with a vegetable reference that has had consensual sex with a woman who wasn't from the board that also knows what >) means and remembers the end of the golden age.