09-30-2002, 02:22 PM
Quote:Dying in your beds many years from now, would you be willing to trade all the days from this day to that for one chance, just once chance to come back..........
What things that you didn't do, do you currently regret? What are you currently doing, or more importantly chances you're not taking or things you're not doing that you think you will regreat later in life?
I regret not playing little league baseball. I played hockey a lot as a kid and travelled with my family for 6 weeks every summer in the middle of little league. But that stopped when I was 10. I could have started little league at 11 like everyone else, but I was too much of a pussy to risk looking like a fool when I hadn't played baseball for the first time in front of everyone
I wish I had asked more girls out when I was younger. Again, I was a whimp and just didn't want them to say no. Now I don't care, but I missed out on banging a lot of high school girls, and I'll never get that chance again.
I seriously regret not buying property. At the height of the stock market boom, I was swimming in money. Not just from the market, but also my sales job. As a responsible person, I didn't spend a lot of it, invested everything, and wasn't one of those idiots selling when the market started to take. Now, I've got about 5% of the money left, and I'm still renting.
Right now, I'd say that I'll regret not joining enough clubs during school, not focusing as much on the job search as I should, and spending too much time with one girl from school instead of socializing with the whole class.