12-19-2002, 01:14 AM
Now, I wasn't here when they brought it in this weekend and decorated it, but I noticed a few things peculiar about it. For one, normally there are usually a few needles around the tree that require regular sweeping. Nothing this year. No needles. There's not even a container to pour water into! Odd, I say. Then I noticed that normally the christmas lights just circle the outer perimeter of the tree till it reaches the top at the star or angel or whatever fucking stupid thing they buy to top the tree year to year, but this year there seemed to be lights further inside the tree. I peeked within and was mind-boggled. There seemed to be lights growing out of the branches... as a matter of fact, there was no string of lights whatsoever. In what magical forest did they find such a tree that grows it's own light bulbs and never loses needles?