08-08-2003, 07:16 AM
Allright.. With all thats going on in this world today.. How much sand do you think still has to fall thru the hour glass before humanity as we know it ceases to be? I give it 4080387057309470982308409805988648288304027 grains (50-100 years) tops..
I mean.. we're definitly on our way up shits creek with one oreand its in the hands of a blind syphlitic hispanic leper..
Do you people even see a reason to reproduce anymore? Do you people have any hope whatsoever?
not me.. DANCE :banana:
I mean.. we're definitly on our way up shits creek with one oreand its in the hands of a blind syphlitic hispanic leper..
Do you people even see a reason to reproduce anymore? Do you people have any hope whatsoever?
not me.. DANCE :banana:
"In a fleshy tomb, I am buried above ground."