Since 1984, alpacas have appeared, almost simultaneously, in several countries where they had never been seen before. The U.S., Canada, New Zealand, France, Australia and England have all acquired the foundation animals for national herds. What makes this animal so desirable? Bottom line: alpacas are both profitable and enjoyable.
My buddies has a girlfriend whose family raises alpacas. They have a small clothing business, liek sweaters and crap made from alpaca fleece, it's actually some nice stuff. We helped her shear them once, and one of the alpacas got scared and peed on my buddy, it was the most pungent aroma ever to come from a living thing
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Your pocket Bible will stop an assailant's bullet, but not before it passes through four innocent bystanders, a school-bus gas tank, and your genitals.
1000 years before the Great Pyramid of Giza was completed, the ancient ancestors of the Inca were measuring their wealth by the numbers of alpacas they owned and were enjoying the finest garments woven from the fleece of their great alpaca herds.
2000 years before King David united the tribes of Israel, members of pre-Incan nobility were draping themselves in multicolored robes of gossamer sheen produced from alpaca fiber as they performed the mysterious rituals of their religion and culture.
3000 years before the Iliad and the Odyssey were transcribed from myth to parchment, the Peruvian people were expanding a thriving economy built in part on the commercial value of their treasured alpacas. Through man's first known use of selective breeding, they were producing alpacas whose quality of fleece was far superior to even the best contemporary alpacas.
500 years before Rome began to build its empire and the warring barbarian tribes were flooding into the territories of Modern Europe, the alpaca was firmly entrenched as a major cornerstone in the Incan empire which encompassed most of the western side of the South American continent.