01-26-2004, 03:51 AM
arpikarhu: get on the board and entertain me
thekman11: i just logged on, its all rubbish
arpikarhu: so be interesting
thekman11: im not feeling it
arpikarhu: NOW!!
thekman11: unlike you i dont force the issue
arpikarhu: hunh?
thekman11: i'm not gonna post crap jst for the sake of posting
arpikarhu: oooooh! ya got me, pardner. nice shooting
thekman11: thanks
arpikarhu: i forgot how choosey and precise all of your posts are. my bad
thekman11: they are researched for months in advance
arpikarhu: each one a carefully selected radiant gem of satire
thekman11: an emerald of wit
arpikarhu: a diamond of wit amongst the cubic zirconiums of medicrity
arpikarhu: you are truly the dorothy parker of message boards
thekman11: i dont know who taht is
arpikarhu: the veritable toastmaster of the virtual algonquin round table
arpikarhu: your bon mots are unparalled in the mundane internet milieu
thekman11: yes, i ahve good bon mots
arpikarhu: your keyboard can only be compared to the quill of wilde
arpikarhu: ok, now i am bored with that.
thekman11: damn,i was enjoying them
arpikarhu: go on the board and entertain me, monkey
thekman11: good timing though, i ahve to take a dump, brb
arpikarhu: do you find it odd that you shit in the same place that you seek sexual pleasure? do you worry that it will some how all get tied together in your head and create some very bizarre sexual needs?
Auto response from thekman11: I am away from my computer right now.
thekman11: not really cause i dont sit on the toilet when i jerk off
thekman11: it may cause some sort of urine fetish thogh
thekman11: which i dont really mind, urine is healthy
arpikarhu: but you might associate sexual pleasure with the toilet and get really fucked up sexually. like you will need some girl to wear a toilet seat to get it up or something
thekman11: ahhaa i dont imagine toilets when i jerk off, its just the location, i dont see what the big deal is really
arpikarhu: you dont imagine it now, but it may all still be in the gestation period. next month,next year, who knows. it may all tie in together and become a really starnge fetish
thekman11: well i know galt does it too, and while he may not be all that normal, i dont imagine he has a strange toilet fetish
arpikarhu: wow! i can see it now, you and galt getting hard every time you seea toilet cause you have both made the association that toilet equals sex.
arpikarhu: you wont be able to go near a toilet without having to rub one out
thekman11: i dont get hard when i see a toilet though, ive been doing this since i was 16, i would think it would materialize by now
arpikarhu: these things can be latent
arpikarhu: instead of latex , you will want ll of your women to wear porcelain
thekman11: where do you jerk off? exclusively on your bed?
arpikarhu: no, wherever the mood hits me as long as i can be alone
arpikarhu: soon it wont just be toilets. you will compulsivly masturbate whenever you see a plunger or people magazine
thekman11: so if you masturbate a lot to internet porn, wold yo develop a computer fetish?
arpikarhu: different. the computer isnt the object merely the distibutor of the porn. you are linking the toilet to sex
thekman11: no im not, im linking the toilet to fast cleanup and efficiency
thekman11: and privacy
arpikarhu: i think this all goes back to your potty training
thekman11: i dont even remmeber being potty trained
arpikarhu: maybe you associate the toilet with your mom cause she toilet trained you, so subconciously when you use the toilet to masturbate you are actually trying to have sex with your mom
thekman11: yea that's it
arpikarhu: freak!
thekman11: :-(
arpikarhu: very oedipul
thekman11: yes captian obvious
thekman11: theres nothign sbconscious about it, i do it because i dont like leaving jizz anywhere
arpikarhu: i would imagine that you have defecation issues because subconciously you feel like you are shitting on your mom.
thekman11: no...not really
arpikarhu: repressed anger
thekman11: i do have public urination problems, can you diagnose that?
arpikarhu: ver dangerous
arpikarhu: all goes back to the fuck/shit on mom thing
thekman11: damn her!
arpikarhu: you have issues young man
thekman11: no shit
arpikarhu: seek counseling before you explode
thekman11: ok
arpikarhu: see? this would have been a good thread
thekman11: i can post this if you want
arpikarhu: sure. it was a good laugh, if not also a little scary. your issues are very disturbing
thekman11: and i bet you are completely issue free
arpikarhu: no but i certainly dont get hard at the sight of a plunger, nor do i want to fuck / shit on my mother
thekman11: maybe you do, and it's repressed in something else
arpikarhu: no, i would like to kill a member in my family but nothing as sick as you, you freak
thekman11: oh well
arpikarhu: sorry, i only diagnose, i dont cure
thekman11: it's ok, you are a man of many limitations
arpikarhu: i admit that
arpikarhu: i am going to post this if you dont mind
thekman11: are you gonna alter it?
arpikarhu: not one word
thekman11: ok, then i dont care
thekman11: i just logged on, its all rubbish
arpikarhu: so be interesting
thekman11: im not feeling it
arpikarhu: NOW!!
thekman11: unlike you i dont force the issue
arpikarhu: hunh?
thekman11: i'm not gonna post crap jst for the sake of posting
arpikarhu: oooooh! ya got me, pardner. nice shooting
thekman11: thanks
arpikarhu: i forgot how choosey and precise all of your posts are. my bad
thekman11: they are researched for months in advance
arpikarhu: each one a carefully selected radiant gem of satire
thekman11: an emerald of wit
arpikarhu: a diamond of wit amongst the cubic zirconiums of medicrity
arpikarhu: you are truly the dorothy parker of message boards
thekman11: i dont know who taht is
arpikarhu: the veritable toastmaster of the virtual algonquin round table
arpikarhu: your bon mots are unparalled in the mundane internet milieu
thekman11: yes, i ahve good bon mots
arpikarhu: your keyboard can only be compared to the quill of wilde
arpikarhu: ok, now i am bored with that.
thekman11: damn,i was enjoying them
arpikarhu: go on the board and entertain me, monkey
thekman11: good timing though, i ahve to take a dump, brb
arpikarhu: do you find it odd that you shit in the same place that you seek sexual pleasure? do you worry that it will some how all get tied together in your head and create some very bizarre sexual needs?
Auto response from thekman11: I am away from my computer right now.
thekman11: not really cause i dont sit on the toilet when i jerk off
thekman11: it may cause some sort of urine fetish thogh
thekman11: which i dont really mind, urine is healthy
arpikarhu: but you might associate sexual pleasure with the toilet and get really fucked up sexually. like you will need some girl to wear a toilet seat to get it up or something
thekman11: ahhaa i dont imagine toilets when i jerk off, its just the location, i dont see what the big deal is really
arpikarhu: you dont imagine it now, but it may all still be in the gestation period. next month,next year, who knows. it may all tie in together and become a really starnge fetish
thekman11: well i know galt does it too, and while he may not be all that normal, i dont imagine he has a strange toilet fetish
arpikarhu: wow! i can see it now, you and galt getting hard every time you seea toilet cause you have both made the association that toilet equals sex.
arpikarhu: you wont be able to go near a toilet without having to rub one out
thekman11: i dont get hard when i see a toilet though, ive been doing this since i was 16, i would think it would materialize by now
arpikarhu: these things can be latent
arpikarhu: instead of latex , you will want ll of your women to wear porcelain
thekman11: where do you jerk off? exclusively on your bed?
arpikarhu: no, wherever the mood hits me as long as i can be alone
arpikarhu: soon it wont just be toilets. you will compulsivly masturbate whenever you see a plunger or people magazine
thekman11: so if you masturbate a lot to internet porn, wold yo develop a computer fetish?
arpikarhu: different. the computer isnt the object merely the distibutor of the porn. you are linking the toilet to sex
thekman11: no im not, im linking the toilet to fast cleanup and efficiency
thekman11: and privacy
arpikarhu: i think this all goes back to your potty training
thekman11: i dont even remmeber being potty trained
arpikarhu: maybe you associate the toilet with your mom cause she toilet trained you, so subconciously when you use the toilet to masturbate you are actually trying to have sex with your mom
thekman11: yea that's it
arpikarhu: freak!
thekman11: :-(
arpikarhu: very oedipul
thekman11: yes captian obvious
thekman11: theres nothign sbconscious about it, i do it because i dont like leaving jizz anywhere
arpikarhu: i would imagine that you have defecation issues because subconciously you feel like you are shitting on your mom.
thekman11: no...not really
arpikarhu: repressed anger
thekman11: i do have public urination problems, can you diagnose that?
arpikarhu: ver dangerous
arpikarhu: all goes back to the fuck/shit on mom thing
thekman11: damn her!
arpikarhu: you have issues young man
thekman11: no shit
arpikarhu: seek counseling before you explode
thekman11: ok
arpikarhu: see? this would have been a good thread
thekman11: i can post this if you want
arpikarhu: sure. it was a good laugh, if not also a little scary. your issues are very disturbing
thekman11: and i bet you are completely issue free
arpikarhu: no but i certainly dont get hard at the sight of a plunger, nor do i want to fuck / shit on my mother
thekman11: maybe you do, and it's repressed in something else
arpikarhu: no, i would like to kill a member in my family but nothing as sick as you, you freak
thekman11: oh well
arpikarhu: sorry, i only diagnose, i dont cure
thekman11: it's ok, you are a man of many limitations
arpikarhu: i admit that
arpikarhu: i am going to post this if you dont mind
thekman11: are you gonna alter it?
arpikarhu: not one word
thekman11: ok, then i dont care
I love him. He's like those happy old people who become known for sitting by the side of a busy street and waving to passing cars. People drive by regularly and beep just to see him and get him to wave to them.
That's just like our Arpi... except he doesn't wave or anything. He just says mean things to you.
Nominated for," 2005 poster of the year", by 4 out of 6 mods!
That's just like our Arpi... except he doesn't wave or anything. He just says mean things to you.
GonzoStyle Wrote:I pledge my undying love for Arpi, any retraction of this undying love is to be ignored.
Nominated for," 2005 poster of the year", by 4 out of 6 mods!