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Politics in the show. - Printable Version

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Politics in the show. - alpacafarmer - 10-30-2008

alright.. i havent read all these posts so sorry if someone said this.. but i doubt it.. I LOVE THE SHOW.... lets get that out of the way.. i am sick of freebeer inadvertantly blowing obama and bashing mcain over bs.. that said.. i do not like mcain.. im a conservative and he isnt... zane and hotwings just kinda shut up when fb says dumb stuff.. which is fine.. just wish fb realized that by talking about it at all he is saying what his opinion is and NO ONE wants to talk politics cause no one agrees totally and feelings get hurt way too easy for some

Politics in the show. - alpacafarmer - 10-30-2008

ps hearing fb say " we dont talk issues, we talk canidates" is like a sorority girl saying i "never do this" before she filates her 5th football player of the night.... you can say it all you want but no one believes you!!!!!!!!!!!! WHORE!! ( not u freebeer )

Politics in the show. - burnking - 10-30-2008

burnking Wrote:A quick lesson in semantics, they avoid talking about politics at all costs. What they have been doing is talking about politicians, it just so happens that everything is happening in the political realm. If any of the Presidential or Vice Presidential candidates did something dumb at a baseball game, they'd still talk about that. Of course, then some dirty pile would call in and complain they're talking about politics.

First of all, he got that from my post (see above), so any problems you have with that you can take up with me.

Now, whether or not you can wrap your head around that is not a concern of mine, the fact is that it's true. They almost always try to stop people from talking about abortion, or religion, or whatever other topic the callers bring up, and they always try to stick to strictly making fun of whichever candidate happens to be on their radar.

Also, exclamation points directly relate to post quality, so awesome work on that one.

Politics in the show. - blakeadkins - 10-30-2008

Hopefully after the election, politics will become a back burner issue. At least until the campaigning for the next election starts... which will probably be the day after election... son of a...

Politics in the show. - sunshyne - 10-30-2008

I always say when in company don't talk Politics or Religion. Someone is bound to get their panties in a twist.

Politics in the show. - patfromportland - 10-30-2008

This may end the argument for either side that says FBHW is biased, or it may fuel one sides argument. Im not gunna analyze it because im too lazy, but you guys can do what you wish.

I'm a podcaster and in the searchbar on itunes i typed in the following searches: Palin, McCain, Biden, Obama, Republican, Democrat. Here is the results:

CWTTAB Palins mom and pussy alan
CWTTAB Guy who hates palin
Tina Fay and Sarah Palin SNL
Couric and Palin
Palin and Fay more stupidity
SNL Palin and Biden
SNL Palin and WHWT
Palin is retarded and whwt

McCains favorite songs
Cindy McCain and more zane stupity
Whoopi Goldberg and McCain and whwt
McCain and Letterman round 1
McCain and Letterman round 2
Obama Mccain comedy hour
McCain on Letterman
Joe McCain 911 and Zane 911

Joe Biden
SNL Palin and Biden
Biden cant count and WHWT
Joe Biden is dumb and WHWT

barrack obama bowling
obama stupidity and WHWT
Obama speak and WHWT
Obama commercial and bad rumor
plot to kill obama
obamas favorite songs
obama mccain comedy hour

Republican contradiction
Republican delegate a-hole

Mouthy democratic bitch

Total sum of anything to do with republicans-18

Total sum of anything to do with democrats-12

There may be many other segments where they talked about politics, but these were the only ones labeled as having anything to do with the election. Again, I'm not saying this proves anything, but it may be useful.

Politics in the show. - linzi - 10-30-2008

ummmm...what else are they gonna talk about when there is less than a week before everyone votes? i personally think they spend just enough time talking about it...and it's always to poke fun of, not preach from their soapbox. they don't revolve the entire show around politics so relax...it's almost over.................nice job with the research patfromportland=)

Politics in the show. - neelyohara27 - 10-30-2008

alpacafarmer Wrote:alright.. i havent read all these posts so sorry if someone said this.. but i doubt it.. I LOVE THE SHOW.... lets get that out of the way.. i am sick of freebeer inadvertantly blowing obama and bashing mcain over bs.. that said.. i do not like mcain.. im a conservative and he isnt... zane and hotwings just kinda shut up when fb says dumb stuff.. which is fine.. just wish fb realized that by talking about it at all he is saying what his opinion is and NO ONE wants to talk politics cause no one agrees totally and feelings get hurt way too easy for some

Really?!!? Are you serious? HW and zane 'kinda' shut up? What show are you listening to anyway? Guess your selective hearing is picking up what other delusions you have. You probably want to bang the crazy old hag lady who hasn't been touched by a comb or bath in years from the Mccain rally who is convinced that Obama is a terrorist EVEN after Mccain told her it wasn't true. Maybe you are that 'tard a-hole who called and said" "non-partisian" means liberal" Or maybe you can go hang out with Joe the Plumber and make up your own politico statements and not have anything to back up your stanky views.

Anyway, the show I listen to has Zane hating both Mccain and Obama, HW's being the ultra-conservitive stumping for Mccain and addmitting he listens to Rush (bet you just blew your wad on that tidbit :-*) and FB saying he's voting for Obama.

If you can't hear that is what is being said, go pray to be a loofah in Bill O'Reilly's and and shut your pie-hole! Big Grin

Politics in the show. - xthexlanternx - 10-30-2008

I hope they don't change anything. I like the show the way it is.

Politics in the show. - potthole - 10-30-2008

For those who think politics are talked about too often on the show, keep in mind that in many occasions, politics are spoken about because the talk was first initiated by a caller. You've only got yourselves to blame!

Politics in the show. - 0rz0ski - 10-30-2008

Yeah, I agree. Try searching for "a hole callers" and there's more political talkin' in those segments.