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U of M vs. MSU - Printable Version

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U of M vs. MSU - mayorofawesometown - 10-27-2008

Michigan State fans - both those on this board and those I meet in person - blow me away.

I'm a hardcore U of M fans. But I don't want to see the Spartans lose every game. I just want to see U of M beat them. Other than than in a perfect world U of M would be undefeated every year and State would only have one loss.

What amazes me is that State fans seem to be sore winners. Congrats. You got a win. After Mike Hart's comments last year I'm sure this was a sweet victory for you. You earned it and deserved it as much as I hate the fact that my team lost.

I'm not saying U of M fans don't deserve any blame but all I see now is MSU fans running around trying to talk up their victory like it was even more impressive than it was. "How dare you say this was a rebuilding year for U of M!" Crap like that. Well, it was. You got a good win but you got it over a crappy team. That's why going into the game I never expected Michigan to win.

If some Michigan fans want to be petty and downgrade you then just let them. Move on. At the end of the day you can still just say, "scoreboard" and be done with it. The problem is that if two sides are fighting no matter who started it the side that won the game is going to look like the babies.

Focus on trying to finish the season strong because after that you'll have about 10 months to think about the next chapter in the Michigan/Michigan State rivalry.

U of M vs. MSU - potthole - 10-27-2008

Very good post, +1.