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What are you GIVING for Christmas? - Printable Version

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What are you GIVING for Christmas? - Biff - 01-05-2009

Spongebob is good stuff. I watched it before I had kids. It's the Ren and Stimpy of the aughts.

What are you GIVING for Christmas? - linzi - 01-05-2009


What are you GIVING for Christmas? - landmammaldolphin - 01-06-2009

We got our daughter some hand puppets, a little car/walker thing to help her start walking, and a book.

My wife and I don't buy eachother gifts, we always go to Sam's Club and buy a bunch of stuff to donate to our local food pantry. This year it was toilet paper as that is what our pantry coordinator said they needed the most.

What are you GIVING for Christmas? - Queenie - 01-07-2009

Funny . . .
