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So who would you like to scream down? - Printable Version

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So who would you like to scream down? - krystal - 02-19-2009

Queenie Wrote:
Philly Mike Wrote:The a-holes in the supermarket that walk half way down the isle turn their cart longways across the isle and stand in the little bit of space left. They then just keep looking at the effing shelves while you stand and wait for them to move. When you finally decide to say "excuse me" they look at you like you did something wrong.

Or the people who decide it's a social gathering and block the entire aisle.

Those doing the same while talking on their cell phone. Bastards. I'm pretty sure my dad had taken his cane to someone one time because of that. It's a good thing I don't have his temper.

So who would you like to scream down? - renegade - 02-19-2009

Anybody who voted for Obama, clowns, midgets, and midget clowns.

So who would you like to scream down? - Philly Mike - 02-19-2009

Major A-hole Wrote:Anybody who voted for Obama, clowns, midgets, and midget clowns.

save the obama stuff for the touchy subject forum.

and hey lay off the midgets, there are plenty of people here who like allyson.

So who would you like to scream down? - krystal - 02-19-2009

Lay off Allyson, I'm no taller than she is.

So who would you like to scream down? - Queenie - 02-19-2009

Krystal Wrote:Lay off Allyson, I'm no taller than she is.

I can vouch for that . . . Wink

So who would you like to scream down? - Philly Mike - 02-19-2009

hey i have nothing against the short ones. there are a lot of short women that are hot. it's the major that had the problem.

So who would you like to scream down? - krystal - 02-19-2009

Philly Mike Wrote:hey i have nothing against the short ones. there are a lot of short women that are hot. it's the major that had the problem.

Good, true, and he is as his name states.

So who would you like to scream down? - fustercluck - 02-19-2009

I love the folks who stand in the middle of a major walkway. Be it a concert, a store, church, or where ever. They just stand in the middle and let folks filter around them. Move the Eff over to the side and get out of the way!

I also must have a birthmark or a sign that I can't see that says "If I'm in line, please walk infront of me to pass through." Nothing better than waiting for a beer and everyone wants to walk infront of me.

So who would you like to scream down? - Queenie - 02-19-2009

FUSTERCLUCK Wrote:I love the folks who stand in the middle of a major walkway. Be it a concert, a store, church, or where ever. They just stand in the middle and let folks filter around them. Move the eff over to the side and get out of the way!

I also must have a birthmark or a sign that I can't see that says "If I'm in line, please walk infront of me to pass through." Nothing better than waiting for a beer and everyone wants to walk infront of me.

Of course, that is better than someone cutting you off after you have the too-full beer in hand.

So who would you like to scream down? - Rock Monster - 02-19-2009

FUSTERCLUCK Wrote:I love the folks who stand in the middle of a major walkway. Be it a concert, a store, church, or where ever. They just stand in the middle and let folks filter around them. Move the eff over to the side and get out of the way!

If this happens in a store, I usually "accidentally" bump their cart, either with mine, my hip, or my arm, whichever is closest.

So who would you like to scream down? - Queenie - 02-19-2009

Rock Monster Wrote:
FUSTERCLUCK Wrote:I love the folks who stand in the middle of a major walkway. Be it a concert, a store, church, or where ever. They just stand in the middle and let folks filter around them. Move the eff over to the side and get out of the way!

If this happens in a store, I usually "accidentally" bump their cart, either with mine, my hip, or my arm, whichever is closest.

I do that without even trying.

damn i'm clumsy

So who would you like to scream down? - Philly Mike - 02-19-2009

on the topic of stores, what gets me pissed are the people that decide they see someone going to their car so they wait until you get everything unloaded into your car, get in your car and go. They just sit there and wait no matter how long it takes.

When i see people doing this when i get to my car I decide to do my a-hole deed of the day and i will start off by taking my time getting everything into the car. I then will take my time making sure i have everything right in my car. i will then turn on my car and sit there, and sit there, and sit there. I usually wait until they give up. I did it once and was sitting there for literally a half hour, and that was in one of those parking garages where you only have 1 way to go so there were at least 10 cars behind the guy when he gave up.

So who would you like to scream down? - -Jiggy- - 02-19-2009

Philly Mike Wrote:When i see people doing this when i get to my car I decide to do my a-hole deed of the day and i will start off by taking my time getting everything into the car. I then will take my time making sure i have everything right in my car. i will then turn on my car and sit there, and sit there, and sit there. I usually wait until they give up.

If this makes you an a-hole consider me a member too.

So who would you like to scream down? - krystal - 02-19-2009

Philly Mike Wrote:on the topic of stores, what gets me pissed are the people that decide they see someone going to their car so they wait until you get everything unloaded into your car, get in your car and go. They just sit there and wait no matter how long it takes.

When i see people doing this when i get to my car I decide to do my a-hole deed of the day and i will start off by taking my time getting everything into the car. I then will take my time making sure i have everything right in my car. i will then turn on my car and sit there, and sit there, and sit there. I usually wait until they give up. I did it once and was sitting there for literally a half hour, and that was in one of those parking garages where you only have 1 way to go so there were at least 10 cars behind the guy when he gave up.

At MTSU, where students far out-numbered the parking spaces, people looking for a parking space would stalk people walking to their cars. It used to piss me off so bad. I understand they needed to get to class and whatever, but, seriously, just drive around until someone leaves. So, I used to do the same thing until they would give up.

So who would you like to scream down? - potthole - 02-19-2009

Philly Mike Wrote:on the topic of stores, what gets me pissed are the people that decide they see someone going to their car so they wait until you get everything unloaded into your car, get in your car and go. They just sit there and wait no matter how long it takes.

When i see people doing this when i get to my car I decide to do my a-hole deed of the day and i will start off by taking my time getting everything into the car. I then will take my time making sure i have everything right in my car. i will then turn on my car and sit there, and sit there, and sit there. I usually wait until they give up. I did it once and was sitting there for literally a half hour, and that was in one of those parking garages where you only have 1 way to go so there were at least 10 cars behind the guy when he gave up.

In high school I worked at the mall. Sometimes on busy days as I left the store, I'd notice that a car would follow me, so they could take my spot. When I'd notice that, I'd usually start wandering all around the lot, up rows and down rows, back and forth, seeing how long they'd follow before giving up.

So who would you like to scream down? - renegade - 02-19-2009

Hey philly.......was I not answering the question/title of this thread? Maybe the title should be more specific to add "but don't be honest about it".

Thanks krys. Glad I changed my name and it suits me.


So who would you like to scream down? - Philly Mike - 02-20-2009

I would also like to scream down people who show their stupidity on a message board then decide to delete their account out of shame. Then make another account with a different name and even act like you are at a different location, trying to pass it off as if you are someone else. Only a douche bag would do something like that though.

So who would you like to scream down? - renegade - 02-20-2009

I didn't delete the account. I just changed the name. And I never changed my location either. WTF are you talking about?

So who would you like to scream down? - potthole - 02-20-2009

Major A-hole Wrote:Hey philly.......was I not answering the question/title of this thread?


Yes, technically you were, but what you said is just asking for trouble.

Major A-hole Wrote:I didn't delete the account. I just changed the name. And I never changed my location either. WTF are you talking about?

How do you know he's referring to you?

So who would you like to scream down? - renegade - 02-20-2009

don't ask questions that you don't want the honest answer to; or atleast be more specific as to the answers to leave out.

I think its funny I gave a simple, short post answering a question and now; AGAIN, I'm the freakin A-Hole and wasn't trying to start anything.

As far as the midget comment; that is only circus midgets.

So who would you like to scream down? - potthole - 02-20-2009

When it comes to politics, we've got a specific place on the board for that kind of talk.

So who would you like to scream down? - renegade - 02-20-2009

Then move the thread. I answered the question with an honest answer. You would think a thread like this one would be in "the touchy subject" forum anyways.

So who would you like to scream down? - potthole - 02-20-2009

Ugh, I'm not looking to make yet another argument out of this. Keep political stuff in the political board, it's as easy as that. Everybody else has been able to do it, so can you. Don't like it, too bad.

So who would you like to scream down? - Mad Dog - 02-20-2009

Major A-hole Wrote:Then move the thread. I answered the question with an honest answer. You would think a thread like this one would be in "the touchy subject" forum anyways.

Why move the thread? Just because your an A-hole? Nahhhh

So who would you like to scream down? - renegade - 02-20-2009

I'm just saying....I gave an answer NOT trying to start shit. Just a simple short answer with what I thought was something funny at the end. All of the sudden I'm attacking some lady and I'm an A-hole again. Damn....it just hit me...youse guys LOVE me; LOVE TO HATE ME! Awwwww. I am touched, really; I am. Hahaha. Don't like it; too bad!

So who would you like to scream down? - mainerliser - 02-20-2009

Major A-hole Wrote:I'm just saying....I gave an answer NOT trying to start shit. Just a simple short answer with what I thought was something funny at the end. All of the sudden I'm attacking some lady and I'm an A-hole again. Damn....it just hit me...youse guys LOVE me; LOVE TO HATE ME! Awwwww. I am touched, really; I am. Hahaha. Don't like it; too bad!

I think you're funny 'cause you p*ss off P-hole!

So who would you like to scream down? - renegade - 02-20-2009

P-Hole is really my friend and I really enjoy our covohohohahahaha.....oh damn....even typing I couldn't say it with a STRAIGHT face.

So who would you like to scream down? - Philly Mike - 02-21-2009

Major A-hole Wrote:don't ask questions that you don't want the honest answer to; or atleast be more specific as to the answers to leave out.

I think its funny I gave a simple, short post answering a question and now; AGAIN, I'm the freakin A-Hole and wasn't trying to start anything.

As far as the midget comment; that is only circus midgets.

hey man, first off, I didn't really mean to piss you off in any way, I was just Effing around when i say to lay off the midgets. I dont think people really took the obama comment too personally either.

as far as the other comment about screaming down, I definitely was not talking about you. if you want more information on that take a look at this thread


While yes i will state that you are an a-hole, but as i said before, everyone here who is a regular is an a-hole in one way or another. Smile

So who would you like to scream down? - -Jiggy- - 02-21-2009

Philly Mike Wrote:
Major A-hole Wrote:don't ask questions that you don't want the honest answer to; or atleast be more specific as to the answers to leave out.

I think its funny I gave a simple, short post answering a question and now; AGAIN, I'm the freakin A-Hole and wasn't trying to start anything.

As far as the midget comment; that is only circus midgets.

hey man, first off, I didn't really mean to piss you off in any way, I was just effing around when i say to lay off the midgets. I dont think people really took the obama comment too personally either.

as far as the other comment about screaming down, I definitely was not talking about you. if you want more information on that take a look at this thread


While yes i will state that you are an a-hole, but as i said before, everyone here who is a regular is an a-hole in one way or another. Smile

I think Major is going to have to learn sarcasm real quick here. The internet is nothing but sarcasm...especially a FB&HW board. Oh and also, don't be so quick hitting the reply button. Think about what the person is saying before jumping into your response.

So who would you like to scream down? - renegade - 02-21-2009

Philly I can now see your previous statement was not directed at me and my assumption was incorrect.
I can also agree that almost er'body here is in one way or another an A-hole which is going to make it very difficult for me to become #1 dammit.

So who would you like to scream down? - Mad Dog - 02-21-2009

Major A-hole Wrote:Philly I can now see your previous statement was not directed at me and my assumption was incorrect.
I can also agree that almost er'body here is in one way or another an A-hole which is going to make it very difficult for me to become #1 dammit.

Nahhh, You'll always be number one A-hole in my book.

So who would you like to scream down? - renegade - 02-21-2009

Thanks maddog.

So who would you like to scream down? - Allyson - 02-22-2009

The Marriott in Philly. I was there on business last week and I asked them to charge my debit card for the Internet and my company card for the rest. They charged my debit card for the whole trip, so now I'm overdrawn and won't have the money in my account for rent this month, and can't buy the car I was planning to purchase this weekend. And I can't talk to anyone until at least tomorrow since the billing office only work weekdays 9-4. Funny how they can charge me afterhours but can't help me.

So who would you like to scream down? - mainerliser - 02-22-2009

Allyson Wrote:The Marriott in Philly. I was there on business last week and I asked them to charge my debit card for the Internet and my company card for the rest. They charged my debit card for the whole trip, so now I'm overdrawn and won't have the money in my account for rent this month, and can't buy the car I was planning to purchase this weekend. And I can't talk to anyone until at least tomorrow since the billing office only work weekdays 9-4. Funny how they can charge me afterhours but can't help me.

That really sucks!!!

So who would you like to scream down? - Philly Mike - 02-22-2009

yeah, philly isn't exactly the place you want to go for to expect good or smart customer service. probably about %80 of people in customer service in the city are pretty much dumbasses.