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RIP Isaac Hayes - Printable Version

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RIP Isaac Hayes - Opus - 08-10-2008

Tough weekend. First Bernie Mac and now Isaac Hayes.

Source: http://www.woodtv.com/Global/story.asp?S=8818036

I was sad when he chose to part ways with South Park. I always found his character as Chef to add to the show.

May he rest in peace as well.

RIP Isaac Hayes - Titan! - 08-10-2008

God must not like famous black people.

RIP Isaac Hayes - Opus - 08-10-2008

Thats just mean.

RIP Isaac Hayes - Titan! - 08-10-2008

Opus Wrote:Thats just mean.

I know, but he's God, what can you do ?

RIP Isaac Hayes - Biff - 08-10-2008

It's too bad that his last hurrah of fame was the South Park debacle.

RIP Isaac Hayes - Titan! - 08-10-2008

Admin Wrote:It's too bad that his last hurrah of fame was the South Park debacle.

Scientologists and Muslims, man they really need to lighten up.

RIP Isaac Hayes - Queenie - 08-11-2008

Titan ! Wrote:
Opus Wrote:Thats just mean.

I know, but he's God, what can you do ?

God did not kill them. God is never evil. You reap what you sow.

RIP Isaac Hayes - Titan! - 08-11-2008

Queenie Wrote:
Titan ! Wrote:I know, but he's God, what can you do ?

God did not kill them. God is never evil. You reap what you sow.

Maybe he's in Scientologist heaven on planet Xenu, or whatever they think happens when you die.