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DTZ August 21 2008 - Printable Version

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DTZ August 21 2008 - Biff - 08-21-2008

Kathy is a horrible horrible contestant.

DTZ August 21 2008 - Biff - 08-21-2008

I hate this woman.

DTZ August 21 2008 - dino - 08-21-2008

I had some hopes for her in the beginning but now I think she's just a moron. She only get her news from Fox? Diversify Woman! :Smile

DTZ August 21 2008 - Biff - 08-21-2008

I hope her check gets lost in the mail. Stupid New Hampshire dumbass.

DTZ August 21 2008 - dino - 08-21-2008

Her mini "speech" at the end made me want to put pencils in my ears.

DTZ August 21 2008 - plungerhand - 08-21-2008

dino Wrote:Her mini "speech" at the end made me want to put pencils in my ears.

I thought for sure she was gonna tell Zane she knew somebody who knows sombody who knows his Dad.

DTZ August 21 2008 - kuge - 08-21-2008

Is it just me, or did they ask Zane two questions in a row midway. (The Sara Lee one and the one after...I don't recall Kathy even answering the Sara Lee Question).

DTZ August 21 2008 - plungerhand - 08-21-2008

kuge Wrote:Is it just me, or did they ask Zane two questions in a row midway. (The Sara Lee one and the one after...I don't recall Kathy even answering the Sara Lee Question).

No, Freebeer messed up. They covered it after the game.