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Do callers hear drops? - Printable Version

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Do callers hear drops? - evangperry - 08-28-2008

I've noticed sometimes during interviews Zane will deploy a very offensive drop, but the person they are interviewing doesn't even notice it. While othertimes they'll stop and laugh along with it.
Do they always hear it and just try to ignore it, or is there a way to turn it on or off for the caller to hear?

Do callers hear drops? - potthole - 08-28-2008

When I played Sporter Than Thou I could hear some of the drops they used, although at times it was difficult to understand what drop they were using.

Do callers hear drops? - providencecrow - 08-28-2008

evangperry Wrote:I've noticed sometimes during interviews Zane will deploy a very offensive drop, but the person they are interviewing doesn't even notice it. While othertimes they'll stop and laugh along with it.
Do they always hear it and just try to ignore it, or is there a way to turn it on or off for the caller to hear?

While i have no direct confirmation of this, i have a pretty good knowledge of how both audio and telephone systems work. I'd say its a pretty safe bet that a radio station would have the one button required to cut the audio on or off down the phone line.

Do callers hear drops? - theprynce - 09-02-2008

evangperry Wrote:I've noticed sometimes during interviews Zane will deploy a very offensive drop, but the person they are interviewing doesn't even notice it. While othertimes they'll stop and laugh along with it.
Do they always hear it and just try to ignore it, or is there a way to turn it on or off for the caller to hear?

I think its more likely that some of them are put in during post. That's certainly not the case all the time, I'm sure. Most of the interviews on the air are pre-recorded and drops and things can be added.

-=The Prynce

Do callers hear drops? - upperdeckercourt - 09-02-2008

But sometimes you can hear Zane giggling during an interview after playing a drop. How many interviews are recorded and how many are live? It feels about 50-50, maybe 60-40 live.

Do callers hear drops? - Queenie - 09-02-2008

It was freaking hilarious when the old lady that fell on the knife and it went in her head near her eye. She was effin sharp as hell and caught most of the drops they played. Of course, the last laugh was on the boys, when she said, "He died." That was AWESOME!!

Do callers hear drops? - heinz - 10-17-2008

Yes, you can hear drops over the phone, at least I have when on "Dumber than Zane"

Do callers hear drops? - fistor!@# - 10-17-2008

Heinz Wrote:Yes, you can hear drops over the phone, at least I have when on "Dumber than Zane"



Do callers hear drops? - Biff - 10-17-2008

How many hookers does it take to run through $1600?

Do callers hear drops? - Philly Mike - 10-17-2008

providencecrow Wrote:
evangperry Wrote:I've noticed sometimes during interviews Zane will deploy a very offensive drop, but the person they are interviewing doesn't even notice it. While othertimes they'll stop and laugh along with it.
Do they always hear it and just try to ignore it, or is there a way to turn it on or off for the caller to hear?

While i have no direct confirmation of this, i have a pretty good knowledge of how both audio and telephone systems work. I'd say its a pretty safe bet that a radio station would have the one button required to cut the audio on or off down the phone line.

out of what i understand this is pretty much correct, but of course the sounds can be played down the line. They used to do a challenge called the "ah um challenge" where you had to speak on an obscure or obscene topic without saying ah um or pausing for like i think 15 or 30 seconds. while you spoke they would play sounds down the line to screw you up. so yeah sounds can be played and with this technology thing and that computer thing they use i am sure there is an on/off switch for control of what sounds go where.