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Whats the story on the into song from bob and tom? - Printable Version

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Whats the story on the into song from bob and tom? - cyborgmexican - 09-12-2008

You know that song that they play in the intro with that guy on the banjo who is singing a song about FBHW and then at the end you can hear the classic bob and tom laugh. Was that a segment where bob and tom were mocking FBHW?

Whats the story on the into song from bob and tom? - lokizilla - 09-12-2008

Who really cares? This is a board where we all like them. Not a board where we want to talk about that group.

Whats the story on the into song from bob and tom? - Mark the Valet - 09-15-2008

I have actually wondered about that myself.

I can't tell if it's a joke or not.

Whats the story on the into song from bob and tom? - kevinjaymes - 09-15-2008

the guy singing was a comedian. the guys used to have comedians on the show during the 10:00 am segment. the dude was performing at dr. grins that night...he used his guitar in his act and made a song for fb/hw.

Whats the story on the into song from bob and tom? - cyborgmexican - 09-15-2008

kevinjaymes Wrote:the guy singing was a comedian. the guys used to have comedians on the show during the 10:00 am segment. the dude was performing at dr. grins that night...he used his guitar in his act and made a song for fb/hw.

OK, I was just confused by the bob and tom laughter. Good work!

Whats the story on the into song from bob and tom? - ashleykme - 09-15-2008

Yeah, I like all the other openings, but that douche singing kind of bugs me

Whats the story on the into song from bob and tom? - deuchebag - 10-20-2008

GAHHH!!! IT'S HORRIFYING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Can't get the image to load, so here's a link. You have all probably seen it already though, and Yes. I like Hayden.

Whats the story on the into song from bob and tom? - jencum - 10-20-2008

deuchebag Wrote:GAHHH!!! IT'S HORRIFYING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Can't get the image to load, so here's a link. You have all probably seen it already though, and Yes. I like Hayden.

Guy with the moustache looks like one of those handsy uncles who goes fishing a lot and drinks nothing but Budweiser.

Whats the story on the into song from bob and tom? - mayorofawesometown - 10-21-2008

ashleykme Wrote:Yeah, I like all the other openings, but that douche singing kind of bugs me

Yeah, I agree. I don't like that one or the one that has far too much Robin Williams in it.

Whats the story on the into song from bob and tom? - stickyfingers - 10-23-2008

yeah i hate that intro too, i cant figure out why they are laughing except to just do the bob and tom treatment to a shitty comedian, which they pride themselves on not doing.

just so we are all on the same page, the song im talking about has the guy signing in a stupid voice:

"ahhhhh free beer ... and hot wings ... in the morning (guys laugh)"

Whats the story on the into song from bob and tom? - wcwchris - 10-24-2008

I may be the only one here, but I don't get the hate for Bob and Tom. You don't like them... ok. They are still legends... show some respect to those that do what you do and have done it a lot longer with a lot more listeners. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a Bob and Tom fan really, but it just comes off as very immature and dickish.

With that said... something else that ticked me off was Monday morning when they were talking shit about Bubba The Love Sponge and Howard Stern... honestly? Free Beer and Hot Wings think they hold a candle to either of those legends in radio? It's laughable...

Whatever... not my fight, I'll listen still, just stuff like that comes off badly in my opinion.

Whats the story on the into song from bob and tom? - stickyfingers - 10-24-2008

yeah i dont get why they love slamming satellite radio so much, and slamming people for having shows there. you think stern really cares that he has less listeners now but could buy an olympic sized swimming pool full of $100 bills? i dont think he minds at all.

Whats the story on the into song from bob and tom? - moobsminger - 10-26-2008

They've said they don't hold it against Stern or anyone else for doing satellite radio when they got awesome deals. They just mock satellite radio itself because it was supposed to replace terrestrial radio but is nowhere near that.

Whats the story on the into song from bob and tom? - wcwchris - 10-27-2008

The funny thing is, people who have satellite radio very rarely ever come back terrestrial. I for one have Sirius and FB&HW is the only time I listen to regular radio and then I flip back and fourth depending on what's going on in what segment.

Whats the story on the into song from bob and tom? - evangperry - 10-27-2008

wcwchris Wrote:The funny thing is, people who have satellite radio very rarely ever come back terrestrial. I for one have Sirius and FB&HW is the only time I listen to regular radio and then I flip back and fourth depending on what's going on in what segment.

I've actually heard a lot of people that prefer regular radio. There's nothing really special about satellite. After I listen to the free month trial, I had no trouble forgetting about it and switching back to my old channels.

Whats the story on the into song from bob and tom? - cmb - 10-31-2008

I always thought the song in that intro was a Dylan impression.
I didn't hear the show that it came from but it makes me laugh because it sounds just like early Bob Dylan.

Whats the story on the into song from bob and tom? - eas4e - 10-31-2008

shut the f up. The reason why bob and tom suck is because they are stupid rednecks who laugh all. the. time. at. nothing. Go soak your head, you big stupid baby. Why are you a member of this forum, anyway?

Whats the story on the into song from bob and tom? - Queenie - 10-31-2008

eas4e Wrote:shut the f up. The reason why bob and tom suck is because they are stupid rednecks who laugh all. the. time. at. nothing. Go soak your head, you big stupid baby. Why are you a member of this forum, anyway?

I don't think this was necessary to post, and not a good way to start on the board. Please use common courtesy when posting.

See Dick Post. See Dick Flame. See Dick Get Banned. Don't Be A Dick or a Dickette. Please and Thank you!

Whats the story on the into song from bob and tom? - Biff - 10-31-2008

eas4e Wrote:shut the f up. The reason why bob and tom suck is because they are stupid rednecks who laugh all. the. time. at. nothing. Go soak your head, you big stupid baby. Why are you a member of this forum, anyway?

And eas4e comes out of the gate with both barrels blazing.....which is exactly how we hope that new members would make their first post.

I'm thinking that by post number 4 this person will be asking to leave here

Whats the story on the into song from bob and tom? - Mark the Valet - 10-31-2008

I like her style!

Whats the story on the into song from bob and tom? - fistor!@# - 10-31-2008

Admin Wrote:
eas4e Wrote:shut the f up. The reason why bob and tom suck is because they are stupid rednecks who laugh all. the. time. at. nothing. Go soak your head, you big stupid baby. Why are you a member of this forum, anyway?

And eas4e comes out of the gate with both barrels blazing.....which is exactly how we hope that new members would make their first post.

I love when posters attack a post that has been on the board for over a month.

Whats the story on the into song from bob and tom? - Titan! - 10-31-2008

Awww can't we keep her biff ? She's spunky.

Whats the story on the into song from bob and tom? - Philly Mike - 10-31-2008

deuchebag Wrote:GAHHH!!! IT'S HORRIFYING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Can't get the image to load, so here's a link. You have all probably seen it already though, and Yes. I like Hayden.

I got this ad just now when i looked into this thread, I was thinking to myself "this looks like 2 guys you would expect to see on megans law website."

Whats the story on the into song from bob and tom? - potthole - 10-31-2008

Titan ! Wrote:Awww can't we keep her biff ? She's spunky.

She hasn't been banned.