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Internet Forwards - Printable Version

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Internet Forwards - uhohspagettio - 09-13-2008

For those of you who forward every effing email that tells you to "forward it to everyone in your address book or you're not a real Christian, patriot, etc." I would like all of you to use both hands to pull your head out of your ass.

For those who do not believe everything that you read on the internet, please post stories of stupid coworkers, friends, or relatives. Here's mine.

A couple of months ago my aunt sent me a forward about Barack Obama and the fact that he is a Muslim extremist who doesn't wear a flag pin and is the antiChrist as described in Revelation. I reply back nicely that everything in that message has been debunked and please do not send me anymore e-mails like that. Today I receive the "Boycott the $1 coin for not having 'In God We Trust' on them". This is the third time she has sent me the exact same EFFING message. I think I'll send her an email asking for credit card and SS#, tiem to go phishing.

Internet Forwards - airhornahole - 09-15-2008

wingospagettio Wrote:For those of you who forward every effing email that tells you to "forward it to everyone in your address book or you're not a real Christian, patriot, etc." I would like all of you to use both hands to pull your head out of your ass.

For those who do not believe everything that you read on the internet, please post stories of stupid coworkers, friends, or relatives. Here's mine.

A couple of months ago my aunt sent me a forward about Barack Obama and the fact that he is a Muslim extremist who doesn't wear a flag pin and is the antiChrist as described in Revelation. I reply back nicely that everything in that message has been debunked and please do not send me anymore e-mails like that. Today I receive the "Boycott the $1 coin for not having 'In God We Trust' on them". This is the third time she has sent me the exact same EFFING message. I think I'll send her an email asking for credit card and SS#, tiem to go phishing.


Speak it brother. I keep getting this type of S from my Dad and sister in laws. I finally sent a blanket email back to all of them to stop sending that crap because I now delete all emails from them without reading. So if they have sent anything of importance, I have not seen it. I haven't heard from them in a month. It's been great!! I guess they never had anything important to say. (OR I seriously pissed them off, either way, I don't care).