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Lifting Audio - Printable Version

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Lifting Audio - fanoffbhw - 09-16-2008

The guys often talk about podcasters lifting audio from certain segments and splicing it to make it sound different. Does anyone know how this is done, or if there is any software that is needed? Also, if this can be related to how to pull audio for the show for sounds of the game?

Lifting Audio - burnking - 09-16-2008



Lifting Audio - agentsmith - 09-17-2008

if anyone can, I realy want the "the word is naive" compilation they played today. That would be sweet

Lifting Audio - burnking - 09-17-2008

Dr. Stupid Wrote:if anyone can, I realy want the "the word is naive" compilation they played today. That would be sweet

I can pull this. Keep an eye on the thread in my sig line, I'll update it when I get the file uploaded.

Lifting Audio - agentsmith - 09-17-2008

Thank you, burnking

Lifting Audio - Titan! - 09-17-2008

Burnking: The unsung hero of the FBHW message board.

Lifting Audio - burnking - 09-17-2008

Titan ! Wrote:Burnking: The unsung hero of the FBHW message board.

Thank you, kind sir!

Lifting Audio - fanoffbhw - 09-17-2008

I'm quickly realizing I have no idea what I'm doing using Audacity, is there anywhere that explains how this all works?

Lifting Audio - burnking - 09-17-2008

Load the file. Click where you want the clip to start and drag to where you want the clip to end. You can zoom in and click the beginning/end and drag to fine tune.

I know I've made it sound more basic than it actually is, but that's really all you need to know.

Lifting Audio - potthole - 09-17-2008

fanoffbhw Wrote:I'm quickly realizing I have no idea what I'm doing using Audacity, is there anywhere that explains how this all works?

Might be some stuff here.


Lifting Audio - Titan! - 09-22-2008

Burnking, can you make a clip for me ? It wasfrom today's show, at approx 7:40 AM,

Free Beery saying :Camera flashed, olive skin accepts the light"

or somthing like that. I want that as a ring tone.

Lifting Audio - burnking - 09-22-2008

Absolutely. I'll PM you when it's all set.

Lifting Audio - burnking - 09-29-2008

Dr. Stupid, completely forgot about your "the word is naive" compilation. I'll take care of this tonight.

Lifting Audio - agentsmith - 09-29-2008

I was begining to think people didn't care about me. Confusedniff:

Lifting Audio - burnking - 09-29-2008

Hey, I only said I'd pull your audio. That's not slang for anything.

Lifting Audio - burnking - 09-30-2008

Dr. Stupid, I pulled your audio finally. I added a lot of files along with the Word is Naive compilation. Check out my sig line for the thread and location of the files.

Lifting Audio - agentsmith - 10-01-2008

Thank you, burnking