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Cube, ladder, and horse - Printable Version

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Cube, ladder, and horse - Biff - 09-18-2008

How did you do on this quiz?

My cube was 1 sq foot.
It was stainless steel.
My ladder was a Little Giant that was about 8 feet high in the "A" position.
My horse was white and very friendly as it approached me so that I could scratch it's snout.

What were your answers?

Cube, ladder, and horse - plungerhand - 09-18-2008

I always think of cubes as 1 by 1 ( Bill Cosby's Noah bit from Right...What's a cubit?)
color is clear
my ladder is one of those 16' changeable ones. Can be 8' a-frame, etc. ( I used it last month or so and it is still by the back door)

my horse is a white Mustang, needs a bath and a tune-up...

Cube, ladder, and horse - Queenie - 09-18-2008

My cube could fit in my hand and it is red (thought it was blue, but was swayed by Joe's voice)
My ladder was a 12 foot step ladder and it was upright
My horse was big, strong and shiny and was neighing and nodding it's head.

Cube, ladder, and horse - Biff - 09-18-2008

Queenie Wrote:My horse was big, strong and shiny and was neighing and nodding it's head.

Was it nodding it's head as if to say "yes dear"?

Cube, ladder, and horse - plungerhand - 09-18-2008

Admin Wrote:
Queenie Wrote:My horse was big, strong and shiny and was neighing and nodding it's head.

Was it nodding it's head as if to say "yes dear"?

...If you only knew :-[

Cube, ladder, and horse - Howie Feltersnatch - 09-18-2008

1x1x1 rubics cube
13 foot ladder in the A position
White 'perfect' horse looking beautiful

Cube, ladder, and horse - Torque - 09-18-2008

Thick clear but hollow cube, about 8inx8inx8in
wooden 12 foot wooden ladder (not folding) standing up in the sand like Zane's
Black arabian stallion with desert tack standing waiting for me

So my (nonexistent) partner is patient, black, hung like a horse, and I have rather primitive ambitions and I know the exact dimensions of my ego. Awesome!

Cube, ladder, and horse - motorboatking - 09-18-2008

My cube was 1'x1' stainless steel
My ladder was 10' wooden on it's side
Horse was white and nuzzled me while patted it's snout

Cube, ladder, and horse - dingdongyo - 09-18-2008

i didn't play along in time, and i can't now because i know what they are supposed to mean.

but i want to share my sister-in-law's answers. she's actually on here, just never posts anything:

"My cube was the size of Zane's. My ladder was like Joe's and my horse was dead."

she's never made me laugh harder.

Cube, ladder, and horse - Queenie - 09-18-2008

dingdongyo Wrote:i didn't play along in time, and i can't now because i know what they are supposed to mean.

but i want to share my sister-in-law's answers. she's actually on here, just never posts anything:

"My cube was the size of Zane's. My ladder was like Joe's and my horse was dead."

she's never made me laugh harder.

I would exalt your sister-in-law . . . if only I knew who she was. Tongue

Cube, ladder, and horse - mayorofawesometown - 09-19-2008

3 ft. x 3 ft. x 3 ft. blue cube
12 foot wooden ladder leaning against a wall I fabricated
normal, brown horse drinking water

Cube, ladder, and horse - Allyson - 09-19-2008

1ft^3, red
aluminum ladder, 10ft, sticking out of the sand like Zane's
white muscly horse scratching at the sand like Zane's

So pretty much I am a female Zane with a smaller ego.

Cube, ladder, and horse - potthole - 09-19-2008

Wooden cube, 3'x3'x3'.

Wood ladder, 6' tall, sticking straight up into the air.

Brown horse standing and drinking water.

Cube, ladder, and horse - moobsminger - 09-21-2008

Didn't FB say there were four questions? They only had three. Even when they were reviewing their answers, FB said "number three" or "question three," but they were only on the second one. Did anyone else notice this, or am I crazy?


8"^3 cube, white with rounded edges - smaller ego but sometimes I have feelings of superiority, so it was bigger than PJ's.

20 foot wooden ladder leaning against something - I was cleaning the barn and had to clean under this ladder, so I can't take into account the description of the ladder. However, the fact that it was leaning on something makes me think that I feel I need support to accomplish my ambitions.

brown, bigger horse eating a patch of grass - I'm a minger with moobs, so I have no mate. (Though my last girlfriend... nevermind.)

Cube, ladder, and horse - Torque - 09-21-2008

Moobs Minger Wrote:Didn't FB say there were four questions? They only had three. Even when they were reviewing their answers, FB said "number three" or "question three," but they were only on the second one. Did anyone else notice this, or am I crazy?

They kind of split the cube into 2 "questions" 1. color, 2. size, so ladder was 3, and horse was 4

Cube, ladder, and horse - roybundlz - 09-24-2008

Where did they get the questions from...I want to know the logic put behind it