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Movies you really enjoyed - Printable Version

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Movies you really enjoyed - fustercluck - 09-18-2008

We have the top 5 movies and like most of you, my list changes daily. Let's start a thread on movies we really like.

I'll start with...

1. American Beauty - http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0169547/

A great movie with an outstanding display from Kevin Spacey and Annette Bening. I'd love to quit my job, start lifting weights, and smoking pot all day. It would be like college all over again. Thora Birch is also one of my favorites.

Movies you really enjoyed - Biff - 09-18-2008

The Big Lebowski. All I have to do is think about it and I laugh.

Movies you really enjoyed - airhornahole - 09-18-2008


Scary to watch how true the story line is becoming.

Movies you really enjoyed - plungerhand - 09-18-2008

Crash is a great movie. It portrays bigotry and prejudices from both sides. star filled cast.

2 thumbs up ( for those of us with opposable thumbs)

Movies you really enjoyed - fustercluck - 09-18-2008

jus' P Wrote:Crash is a great movie. It portrays bigotry and prejudices from both sides. star filled cast.

2 thumbs up ( for those of us with opposable thumbs)

One of the best movie scenes ever is when the car is upside down and he is trying to pull her out. Talk about a range of emotions. What a great movie.

Movies you really enjoyed - plungerhand - 09-18-2008

American History X is another favorite. I am sure you have heard Producer Joe ref the curb scene.

Movies you really enjoyed - potthole - 09-19-2008

Donnie Darko.

Yes, it's sort of becoming one of those movies that's almost becoming cliche to like, but it really is a good movie. It's one that you have to watch multiple times, because you'll notice something new and different each and every time.

Movies you really enjoyed - Titan! - 09-19-2008


One of the single best sound bites from any movie ever:

My name is Maximus Decimus Meridius, commander of the Armies of the North, General of the Felix Legions, loyal servant to the true emperor, Marcus Aurelius. Father to a murdered son, husband to a murdered wife. And I will have my vengeance, in this life or the next.

Movies you really enjoyed - fustercluck - 09-19-2008

I guess I need to see Gladiator again. When I first saw it, I didn't like it. When it won Best Pix I got mad to think a crappy (IMO) film like Gladiator could stand up in a list with films like Casablanca, The Godfather, and Schindlers List.

I hear numerous people rave about it. Maybe it's worth a second look.

Movies you really enjoyed - Queenie - 09-19-2008

Lord of the Rings . . . freakin awesome. I never thought myself to be into those types of movies, but I could have watched them back to back to back. I'll watch them again, and again too!!

Movies you really enjoyed - Titan! - 09-19-2008

Queenie Wrote:Lord of the Rings . . . freakin awesome. I never thought myself to be into those types of movies, but I could have watched them back to back to back. I'll watch them again, and again too!!

How cool would it have been if LOTR were filmed in IMAX ?

I saw return of the king 11 times in the theatre. Just simply awesome.

Movies you really enjoyed - airhornahole - 09-19-2008

Titan ! Wrote:
Queenie Wrote:Lord of the Rings . . . freakin awesome. I never thought myself to be into those types of movies, but I could have watched them back to back to back. I'll watch them again, and again too!!

How cool would it have been if LOTR were filmed in IMAX ?

I saw return of the king 11 times in the theatre. Just simply awesome.

Titan, man, spend the money on a life.

Movies you really enjoyed - plungerhand - 09-19-2008

Nobody else watched it, but I loved the latest King Arthur (with Clive Owen). Of course I liked 300,Gladiator, Braveheart, Kingdom of Heaven, Troy and was deeply hurt when Alexander SUCKED. ( not literally). So what if he was gay? Did it have to be the highlight of the friggin movie.

Movies you really enjoyed - Titan! - 09-19-2008

jus' P Wrote:Nobody else watched it, but I loved the latest King Arthur (with Clive Owen). Of course I liked 300,Gladiator, Braveheart, Kingdom of Heaven, Troy and was deeply hurt when Alexander SUCKED. ( not literally). So what if he was gay? Did it have to be the highlight of the friggin movie.

Plungee I think we might have been separated at birth. I watched King Arthur yesterday, and I have all of the movies you mentioned in constant rotation on my DVD player.

Movies you really enjoyed - airhornahole - 09-19-2008

Titan ! Wrote:
jus' P Wrote:Nobody else watched it, but I loved the latest King Arthur (with Clive Owen). Of course I liked 300,Gladiator, Braveheart, Kingdom of Heaven, Troy and was deeply hurt when Alexander SUCKED. ( not literally). So what if he was gay? Did it have to be the highlight of the friggin movie.

Plugee I think we might have been separated at birth. I watched King Arthur yesterday, have all of the movies you mentioned in constant rotation on my DVD player.

Ouch! Plunger, that's gotta hurt. Big Grin

Movies you really enjoyed - Titan! - 09-19-2008

airhornahole Wrote:
Titan ! Wrote:Plugee I think we might have been separated at birth. I watched King Arthur yesterday, have all of the movies you mentioned in constant rotation on my DVD player.

Ouch! Plunger, that's gotta hurt. Big Grin

You do know this is a thread about movies right ? This isn't the insult Titan thread. Now talk about movies or shut your computer off and go see if you can find a stray dog to lick your balls.

Movies you really enjoyed - plungerhand - 09-19-2008

Titan ! Wrote:
jus' P Wrote:Nobody else watched it, but I loved the latest King Arthur (with Clive Owen). Of course I liked 300,Gladiator, Braveheart, Kingdom of Heaven, Troy and was deeply hurt when Alexander SUCKED. ( not literally). So what if he was gay? Did it have to be the highlight of the friggin movie.

Plugee I think we might have been separated at birth. I watched King Arthur yesterday, and I have all of the movies you mentioned in constant rotation on my DVD player.

We were seperated at birth. Me=baby....you=afterbirth ;D

I told you I would be your friend, just STOP showin' it in public

Movies you really enjoyed - Titan! - 09-19-2008

jus' P Wrote:
Titan ! Wrote:Plugee I think we might have been separated at birth. I watched King Arthur yesterday, and I have all of the movies you mentioned in constant rotation on my DVD player.

We were seperated at birth. Me=baby....you=afterbirth ;D

I told you I would be your friend, just STOP showin' it in public

You both suck. I'm going back to bed.

I liked Hunt for Red October too.

Movies you really enjoyed - airhornahole - 09-19-2008

Titan ! Wrote:
airhornahole Wrote:Ouch! Plunger, that's gotta hurt. Big Grin

You do know this is a thread about movies right ? This isn't the insult Titan thread. Now talk about movies or shut your computer off and go see if you can find a stray dog to lick your balls.

Titan, your right. I appologize.

A movie I liked. TITANic. Especially when the big piece of S gets sunk in the cold Atlantic waters. ;D

Movies you really enjoyed - jaydethespaz - 09-19-2008

Rent is My Favorite Movie Without Johnny Depp in it!

Movies you really enjoyed - fustercluck - 09-20-2008

I recently saw Seven for the fist time. That was a pretty good thriller movie. I also like the SAW series.

Hostel was cool too.

Movies you really enjoyed - Titan! - 09-25-2008

I'm currently RE- watching The Lord of the Rings trilogy, it's great background noise when you have a shit load of photos to edit

Movies you really enjoyed - fustercluck - 09-29-2008

I finally got around to seeing Oceans 13 yesterday. A fun movie. Not great, but entertaining. What a powerhouse full of actors.

Movies you really enjoyed - slick - 09-30-2008

Blazing Saddles..OMG. WOT A RIOT! Blues Brothers, Neighbors, A Boy and His Dog (No, not porn)

Movies you really enjoyed - mainerliser - 09-30-2008

Titan ! Wrote:I'm currently RE- watching The Lord of the Rings trilogy, it's great background noise when you have a shit load of photos to edit

Have you ever watched all three of the long versions in one day?!! Me and my girls have! That's geekX3! Undecided

Movies you really enjoyed - Biff - 09-30-2008

mainerliser Wrote:Have you ever watched all three of the long versions in one day?!! Me and my girls have! That's geekX3! Undecided

I did it the day after Thanksgiving 2006. It was nothing short of fantastic.

Movies you really enjoyed - Titan! - 09-30-2008

mainerliser Wrote:
Titan ! Wrote:I'm currently RE- watching The Lord of the Rings trilogy, it's great background noise when you have a shit load of photos to edit

Have you ever watched all three of the long versions in one day?!! Me and my girls have! That's geekX3! Undecided

Who you talkin to ?

Of course I've watched all 3 extended editions in one day. C'mon.

Movies you really enjoyed - Howie Feltersnatch - 09-30-2008

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Movies you really enjoyed - fetusfacedwindbag - 10-16-2008

potthole Wrote:Donnie Darko.

Yes, it's sort of becoming one of those movies that's almost becoming cliche to like, but it really is a good movie. It's one that you have to watch multiple times, because you'll notice something new and different each and every time.

Yeah. I've heard that TONS of people like this movie, so I found it free on On Demand and watched it...... seemed like a total waste of time. I guess I really missed the point.

Things tend to fly over my head quite a bit though, so it could've been excellent and i just didn't get it.

Movies you really enjoyed - Torque - 10-19-2008

I was very much entertained by Kiss Kiss Bang Bang. And not just because I'm a Val Kilmer fan.

Movies you really enjoyed - spoonman - 10-19-2008

fetusfacedwindbag Wrote:
potthole Wrote:Donnie Darko.

Yes, it's sort of becoming one of those movies that's almost becoming cliche to like, but it really is a good movie. It's one that you have to watch multiple times, because you'll notice something new and different each and every time.

Yeah. I've heard that TONS of people like this movie, so I found it free on On Demand and watched it...... seemed like a total waste of time. I guess I really missed the point.

Things tend to fly over my head quite a bit though, so it could've been excellent and i just didn't get it.

You didn't miss anything. It's one of the most overrated cult movies of all time.

Movies you really enjoyed - elranito - 10-20-2008

Torque Wrote:I was very much entertained by Kiss Kiss Bang Bang. And not just because I'm a Val Kilmer fan.
I agree... thoroughly enjoyable movie. The dialog is fantastic. Robert Downey Jr. and Val Kilmer were both great.

Movies you really enjoyed - Queenie - 10-20-2008

Saw tbe first half of Braveheart this weekend . . . looking forward to the second.

I know, who the eff hasn't seen Braveheart?? Haven't seen MadMax either

Movies you really enjoyed - Titan! - 10-20-2008

Queenie Wrote:Saw tbe first half of Braveheart this weekend . . . looking forward to the second.

I know, who the eff hasn't seen Braveheart?? Haven't seen MadMax either

I watched Braveheart twice this weekend. :o

Movies you really enjoyed - boizalynne - 10-20-2008

Admin Wrote:The Big Lebowski. All I have to do is think about it and I laugh.
I am about to be stoned by all of you Lebowski fans, but as badly as I have always wanted to see this movie... I still have yet to view its awesome-ness.....
Someday I will.... perhaps if Dora The Explorer goes off the air....

Movies you really enjoyed - fetusfacedwindbag - 10-20-2008

Queenie Wrote:Saw tbe first half of Braveheart this weekend . . . looking forward to the second.

I know, who the eff hasn't seen Braveheart?? Haven't seen MadMax either

For the first time? I thought that it was a requirement to have watched that movie in order to show proof of having a pulse?

Movies you really enjoyed - fetusfacedwindbag - 10-20-2008

boizalynne Wrote:
Admin Wrote:The Big Lebowski. All I have to do is think about it and I laugh.
I am about to be stoned by all of you Lebowski fans, but as badly as I have always wanted to see this movie... I still have yet to view its awesome-ness.....
Someday I will.... perhaps if Dora The Explorer goes off the air....

I don't think you have anything to worry about. I'm the one who will truly be stoned..... I watched it, and I didn't like it. It was WAY too built up when I watched it. I was bored the entire time.

Movies you really enjoyed - providencecrow - 10-20-2008

fetusfacedwindbag Wrote:
boizalynne Wrote:I am about to be stoned by all of you Lebowski fans, but as badly as I have always wanted to see this movie... I still have yet to view its awesome-ness.....
Someday I will.... perhaps if Dora The Explorer goes off the air....

I don't think you have anything to worry about. I'm the one who will truly be stoned..... I watched it, and I didn't like it. It was WAY too built up when I watched it. I was bored the entire time.

You're insane, it is one of the greatest pieces of film ever made.

Movies you really enjoyed - fetusfacedwindbag - 10-20-2008

providencecrow Wrote:
fetusfacedwindbag Wrote:I don't think you have anything to worry about. I'm the one who will truly be stoned..... I watched it, and I didn't like it. It was WAY too built up when I watched it. I was bored the entire time.

You're insane, it is one of the greatest pieces of film ever made.


Movies you really enjoyed - providencecrow - 10-20-2008

fetusfacedwindbag Wrote:
providencecrow Wrote:You're insane, it is one of the greatest pieces of film ever made.


I mean i'd totally let you off the hook if you said it was good but not the best film ever, but the fact that you were bored means you are batshit insane. That is all :o