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The Greatest News Fistor Has Ever Heard - Printable Version

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The Greatest News Fistor Has Ever Heard - Titan! - 09-23-2008

Congrats Fistor, looks like you can have your dream wedding after all.


The big question is, who will be your maid of honor ? Trogdor or Biff ?

The Greatest News Fistor Has Ever Heard - Titan! - 09-25-2008

Well now this was a big fat flop. Crickets anyone ?

The Greatest News Fistor Has Ever Heard - airhornahole - 09-25-2008

[Image: Picture115.jpg]

The Greatest News Fistor Has Ever Heard - Queenie - 09-25-2008

+1 airhorn!!!

The Greatest News Fistor Has Ever Heard - Titan! - 09-25-2008

Ya know, in my defense, I did post this before it was announced on the show, and every single media outlet on the planet. It was cutting edge for about 30 seconds.

But still, Epic Fail on my part.

Plunger ? Send me to The Corner please.