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Did you guys see this? - Printable Version

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Did you guys see this? - Biff - 09-29-2008

[Image: this.JPG]

Did you guys see this? - mainerliser - 09-29-2008

Ha! Dork!

Did you guys see this? - dingdongyo - 09-29-2008

no, i didn't see that

Did you guys see this? - Queenie - 09-29-2008

[Image: THAT.jpg]

Did you guys see this? - Titan! - 09-29-2008

The Other

Did you guys see this? - airhornahole - 09-29-2008

Are you that bored?

Did you guys see this? - fetusfacedwindbag - 09-29-2008

This is one of those uncomfortable silences in the conversation where nobody had anything to say. So they just said SOMEthing.

Did you guys see this? - peachs - 09-29-2008

yeahhhh... nope...