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Snakes Vs Spiders - Printable Version

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Snakes Vs Spiders - Howie Feltersnatch - 10-01-2008

It seems people either HATE snakes and don't mind spiders, or HATE spiders and don't mind snakes.

what are you?

Snakes Vs Spiders - Rock Monster - 10-01-2008

Both, but if I absolutely had to, I guess I'd pick up a snake before a spider.

Snakes Vs Spiders - beckyp - 10-01-2008

i'm a female anomaly and don't puss out at either of them.

Snakes Vs Spiders - Torque - 10-01-2008

I like them both, though I like snakes more than spiders. The larger the spider the more I like it. The little ones you can't see until they're on you are unpleasant surprises but they don't really bother me. I'll never forget at the grand canyon, where there are wild tarantulas, a whole tour bus of Japanese people crowded around my brother and me, taking pictures because we had put about 20 of them on us.

Snakes Vs Spiders - dino - 10-01-2008

Yeah....I don't mind either one of them. One eats bugs (they bother the piss outta me) and the other eats rats and other annoying rodents. (F'n dirty and diseased rats)

Snakes Vs Spiders - Allyson - 10-01-2008

Snakes don't bother me. Spider gross me out like crazy. Just thinking about a spider crawling on me gives me the heebie-jeebies. I don't mind if there is a spider on the other side of the room or chilling in the corner, but if it has the potential to crawl on me then it makes me want to cry. It's not just spiders though, I am like that with any bug (except butterflies and ladybugs of course), especially ones with lots of legs. Gross my stomach is twinging just thinking about it.

My biggest problem is I can't stand killing bugs. The crunch of the exoskeleton makes me want to barf. So in order for me to get rid of a bug, I have to trap it under a cup, slide a piece of paper under the cup, and throw it outside. And that involves risking my life going near the bug. Ick. Yuck. Ew.

Snakes Vs Spiders - fetusfacedwindbag - 10-01-2008

It really depends on what kind of spider or snake. I'll crunch any spider so that someone else doesn't have to, but I'll be damned if I'm going to go anywhere near a wild snake that I don't know if it's venomous or not. If it has a rattle, I'M OUT.

Snakes Vs Spiders - sunshyne - 10-01-2008

I can stand a spider and think they're pretty cool, until one gets on me, then I scream and dance around like a crazy person. Snakes don't bother me a bit, and I've done enough reading and research to know which are poisonous and which aren't. Granted, I'm not going to go out like stupid Steve Irwin (RIP) and purposely handle one, but I am the person that most of my friends call when confronted with a creepy critter.

Snakes Vs Spiders - Queenie - 10-01-2008

I used to collect snakes when I was little and remember a picture of me holding one in each hand showing my Mother. While i'm not so scared of all snakes, I am scared of the poisonous ones. Where I live there are a lot of copperheads. Spiders don't bother me at all, and like sunshyne, I am the one that is called upon if somebody sees one.

This is my favorite spider!! Tongue

jus' P Wrote:[flash=350,287]http://www.youtube.com/v/sHzdsFiBbFc&hl=en[/flash]

Snakes Vs Spiders - sunshyne - 10-01-2008

I like the Huge Black and Yellow garden spiders. and The ringed-neck snake in FL. was my fave. snake.

Snakes Vs Spiders - landmammaldolphin - 10-01-2008

8 legs or no legs, kill the focker! The only good spider or snake is a dead one.

Snakes Vs Spiders - Howie Feltersnatch - 10-01-2008

Story from my household:

When my now wife was working she would get up way before me to prepare for the day/read/ draw on me while i slept/whatever. One morning I awoke to a scream "OH MY GOD!!! HOWWWIEEEEEEEE"

I instantly think, she's hurt....she's contorted in some weird position shaving some area you only see in scat films and fell and broke her leg.

I arrive on scene....and she points to the bathroom sink (I'm just happy at this point that she's standing and not bleeding) in the sink there is the biggest blackest spider I have ever seen. I instinctively grab my weapon....a pee water plunger (no offense plungie) and smack the bastard into spider hell. I wiggled the carcass into a ziplock bag and took it to work for a spider geek to investigate but an autopsy was un-conclusive. No idea what kind of spider it was but it was big and is now dead.

If you live in a house thats foundation 'has holes big enough to throw a cat through' (quote from my grandpa) you can have stories like this

Snakes Vs Spiders - Torque - 10-01-2008

dino Wrote:Yeah....I don't mind either one of them. One eats bugs (they bother the piss outta me) and the other eats rats and other annoying rodents. (F'n dirty and diseased rats)

They may be dirty but rats and mice make adorably entertaining pets

Snakes Vs Spiders - Howie Feltersnatch - 10-01-2008

Torque Wrote:
dino Wrote:Yeah....I don't mind either one of them. One eats bugs (they bother the piss outta me) and the other eats rats and other annoying rodents. (F'n dirty and diseased rats)

They may be dirty but rats and mice make adorably entertaining pets

I had a pet rat, he had the biggest balls ever....in hindsight I shoulda got a female

Snakes Vs Spiders - airhornahole - 10-01-2008

Howie Feltersnatch Wrote:
Torque Wrote:They may be dirty but rats and mice make adorably entertaining pets

I had a pet rat, he had the biggest balls ever....in hindsight I shoulda got a female

Waiting ....

Snakes Vs Spiders - Howie Feltersnatch - 10-01-2008

airhornahole Wrote:
Howie Feltersnatch Wrote:I had a pet rat, he had the biggest balls ever....in hindsight I shoulda got a female

Waiting ....

?? ??

he had big balls, and it was distracting....A female woulda been a better choice....??

Snakes Vs Spiders - plungerhand - 10-01-2008

Howie Feltersnatch Wrote:;OH MY GOD!!! HOWWWIEEEEEEEE"

Does she really call you that??

and thanks for getting Big Balls(ac/dc) stuck in my head.

Snakes Vs Spiders - Howie Feltersnatch - 10-01-2008

jus' P Wrote:
Howie Feltersnatch Wrote:;OH MY GOD!!! HOWWWIEEEEEEEE"

Does she really call you that??

no, if i used my real name people would get confused and think my wife was calling on some other dude

Snakes Vs Spiders - Queenie - 10-01-2008

Howie Feltersnatch Wrote:Story from my household:

When my now wife was working she would get up way before me to prepare for the day/read/ draw on me while i slept/whatever. One morning I awoke to a scream "OH MY GOD!!! HOWWWIEEEEEEEE"

I instantly think, she's hurt....she's contorted in some weird position shaving some area you only see in scat films and fell and broke her leg.

I arrive on scene....and she points to the bathroom sink (I'm just happy at this point that she's standing and not bleeding) in the sink there is the biggest blackest spider I have ever seen. I instinctively grab my weapon....a pee water plunger (no offense plungie) and smack the bastard into spider hell. I wiggled the carcass into a ziplock bag and took it to work for a spider geek to investigate but an autopsy was un-conclusive. No idea what kind of spider it was but it was big and is now dead.

If you live in a house thats foundation 'has holes big enough to throw a cat through' (quote from my grandpa) you can have stories like this

Probably a wolf spider. They get pretty big. I've run across a few in my grandmother's old house. I saw one with a body about 2-3 inches long. I threw a shoe at it and killed it.

Snakes Vs Spiders - plungerhand - 10-01-2008

Howie Feltersnatch Wrote:
jus' P Wrote:Does she really call you that??

no, if i used my real name people would get confused and think my wife was calling on some other dude

I thought you'd be used to her calling out some other dudes name... ;D

Snakes Vs Spiders - airhornahole - 10-01-2008

Howie Feltersnatch Wrote:
Torque Wrote:They may be dirty but rats and mice make adorably entertaining pets

I had a pet rat, he had the biggest balls ever....in hindsight I shoulda got a female

Waiting for someone to pull the usual gay man effin a male rat comment.

Snakes Vs Spiders - Howie Feltersnatch - 10-01-2008

airhornahole Wrote:
Howie Feltersnatch Wrote:I had a pet rat, he had the biggest balls ever....in hindsight I shoulda got a female

Waiting for someone to pull the usual gay man effin a male rat comment.

I was like....8

Snakes Vs Spiders - mudroomdonna - 10-01-2008

The smaller the snake the more afraid of it I am. Gartner snakes are the worst... A bit python at the zoo isn't as scary. Still scary, but not as much.

Snakes Vs Spiders - airhornahole - 10-01-2008

Howie Feltersnatch Wrote:
airhornahole Wrote:Waiting for someone to pull the usual gay man effin a male rat comment.

I was like....8

Well, see, that would have been good to know in the orignal post.

Snakes Vs Spiders - Rock Monster - 10-01-2008

airhornahole Wrote:
Howie Feltersnatch Wrote:I had a pet rat, he had the biggest balls ever....in hindsight I shoulda got a female

Waiting for someone to pull the usual gay man effin a male rat comment.

Waiting for someone to comment that a rat's balls are bigger than howie's...

Snakes Vs Spiders - Rock Monster - 10-01-2008

Mud Room Donna Wrote:The smaller the snake the more afraid of it I am. Gartner snakes are the worst... A bit python at the zoo isn't as scary. Still scary, but not as much.

So, this is your worst nightmare?

[Image: 080803-smallest-snake_461.jpg]

Snakes Vs Spiders - Howie Feltersnatch - 10-01-2008

Rock Monster Wrote:
Mud Room Donna Wrote:The smaller the snake the more afraid of it I am. Gartner snakes are the worst... A bit python at the zoo isn't as scary. Still scary, but not as much.

So, this is your worst nightmare?

[Image: 080803-smallest-snake_461.jpg]


Snakes Vs Spiders - hotzester - 10-01-2008

Eh, neither really bother me. I've been bitten by both.

Snakes Vs Spiders - Torque - 10-01-2008

hotzester Wrote:Eh, neither really bother me. I've been bitten by both.

Indeed. I was bit by a copperhead and all I got was dime size hole on my ankle. I get bit by a garter snake- my whole arm puffed up for a week. I'll take a snake or spider bite over contact with a jellyfish any day

Snakes Vs Spiders - Torque - 10-01-2008

Howie Feltersnatch Wrote:I had a pet rat, he had the biggest balls ever....in hindsight I shoulda got a female

They do, this is the rat that got left on my doorstep one Christmas, his name was Winston, he would never just lay in his damn slim jim can, he'd always contort himself to show them off, may he RIP...

[Image: l_7eea1ed780201eb137bae137b40e58f5.jpg]

Snakes Vs Spiders - hotzester - 10-02-2008

Queenie - Wolf Spiders are brown, not black. But yeah, they can be impressively large.

I've had my share of random spider bites along the way, but I've always thought the snake bites were pretty cool. The first was a 3 foot python I was playing with. Apparently he didn't like the idea of me teasing him with a necktie to get him to strike. The second was only about a year or so ago, when I found a garter snake and wanted to see him up close, so I picked him up the way I usually do - pin down behind the head and pinch the neck so he can't turn back on you - well that little f'er got away from me and struck back at my hand.

Sometimes I think it would be better to get hit by a venomous snake. At least that's over somewhat quickly. Non-venmous bites hurt for days.

Snakes Vs Spiders - Queenie - 10-02-2008

hotzester Wrote:Queenie - Wolf Spiders are brown, not black. But yeah, they can be impressively large.

Well, I have to beg to differ here hotzester. While most wolf spiders are brown, they are also black wolf spiders.

Here is a picture of a black wolf spider:

[Image: Wolf20full20Hogna20Rd20Mt20920081.jpg]

and a link to the website where I pulled the picture:


Snakes Vs Spiders - hotzester - 10-02-2008

Well I'll be damned. That's one I've never seen before. I stand corrected and bow before your superior arachnid knowledge.


Snakes Vs Spiders - peachs - 10-02-2008

I had a pet snake for 4 years, she was awesome... Wish I still had her

Snakes Vs Spiders - Mad Dog - 10-07-2008

We don't have any crazy three foot long spiders like that in Michigan or else I may have grown up afraid of spiders. Personally I hate bats alot more than snakes OR spiders.

Snakes Vs Spiders - hotzester - 10-08-2008

Quote:We don't have any crazy three foot long spiders like that in Michigan or else I may have grown up afraid of spiders. Personally I hate bats alot more than snakes OR spiders.

I'm not an expert, but I am an Amateur Nature Enthusiast, and I feel pretty confident reassuring you that there are no three foot spiders anywhere NEAR Michigan. lol

Snakes Vs Spiders - boizalynne - 10-08-2008

Jo Wrote:i'm a female anomaly and don't puss out at either of them.
I'm with you!!!Smile

But put a Praying Mantis, Grasshopper, or Cicada in front of me, and watch me run....

Snakes Vs Spiders - boizalynne - 10-08-2008

Rock Monster Wrote:
Mud Room Donna Wrote:The smaller the snake the more afraid of it I am. Gartner snakes are the worst... A bit python at the zoo isn't as scary. Still scary, but not as much.

So, this is your worst nightmare?

[Image: 080803-smallest-snake_461.jpg]

This snake is so cute!!!

Snakes Vs Spiders - hotzester - 10-08-2008

Looks almost like an Eastern Worm Snake. I'd have to see his belly to be sure.

Snakes Vs Spiders - Mad Dog - 10-08-2008

hotzester Wrote:Looks almost like an Eastern Worm Snake. I'd have to see his belly to be sure.

Is that the spitting version or the swallowing version?