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Who/ what is attractive? - Printable Version

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Who/ what is attractive? - fetusfacedwindbag - 10-03-2008

What do you find attractive about the opposite sex?

What makes you do a double take?

Who/ what is attractive? - fetusfacedwindbag - 10-03-2008

Personally, I'm into brunettes. Blondes are fun, but brunettes are for marryin'.

I'll add a little more once this thread gets going.

Who/ what is attractive? - Howie Feltersnatch - 10-03-2008

this could be trouble

Who/ what is attractive? - fetusfacedwindbag - 10-03-2008

what's wrong with trouble?

Who/ what is attractive? - Rock Monster - 10-03-2008

First thing(s) I notice is Hair and Eyes.

Who/ what is attractive? - Howie Feltersnatch - 10-03-2008

I'm a dude, I lust over all the normal things...It's the spice of life.

My wife has a personality that is compatible with mine which is the biggest thing. She'll dish out devistating insults to me and it's awesome.

Who/ what is attractive? - Allyson - 10-03-2008

Fat goofy guys.

For serious.

Who/ what is attractive? - agentsmith - 10-03-2008

Nerdy redheads. I find glasses and freckles dead sexy.

Who/ what is attractive? - Howie Feltersnatch - 10-03-2008

Allyson Wrote:Fat goofy guys.

For serious.

[Image: signaluq5.jpg]

Who/ what is attractive? - Allyson - 10-03-2008

I meant more the funny, having a good time, always smiling guy.

Not the I'm going to do something stupid because I crave attention guy.

Who/ what is attractive? - beckyp - 10-03-2008

Allyson Wrote:I meant more the funny, having a good time, always smiling guy.

Not the I'm going to do something stupid because I crave attention guy.

i heart Allyson.

Who/ what is attractive? - Queenie - 10-03-2008

Definitely their ass, then their personality.

Who/ what is attractive? - Titan! - 10-03-2008

Allyson Wrote:I meant more the funny, having a good time, always smiling guy.

Not the I'm going to do something stupid because I crave attention guy.

This thread was going in such a great direction.

Who/ what is attractive? - airhornahole - 10-03-2008

I look at a womans overall appearance. If she looks like a bitch, forget it. If she looks nice, easy going, I'm interested.

Who/ what is attractive? - dingdongyo - 10-03-2008

certain looks work for certain people. smiling at me will always get my attention. making me laugh and feeling comfortable is more attractive than anything someone could look like.
but if you were talking stupid flat-out fetish, it's legs.

Who/ what is attractive? - plungerhand - 10-03-2008

I only date Royalty

Who/ what is attractive? - fetusfacedwindbag - 10-03-2008

Allyson Wrote:I meant more the funny, having a good time, always smiling guy.

Not the I'm going to do something stupid because I crave attention guy.

I'm the first half of your comment sober and up to 6 beers.

After 6 beers, I'm the in your face guy....unfortunately....it doesn't get to that point very often, but when it does, I'm all about sending out mass quantities of "What did I do last night, and who did I offend?" texts.

Who/ what is attractive? - Biff - 10-03-2008

Dark hair (either really straight or really curly)
Soft eyes
Girl next door looks
Nice butt
Medium to small chest

Who/ what is attractive? - dingdongyo - 10-03-2008

Admin Wrote:Dark hair (either really straight or really curly)
Soft eyes
Girl next door looks
Nice butt
Medium to small chest

i've got everything but the butt. no wonder you like me.

Who/ what is attractive? - Biff - 10-03-2008

It's all true.

Who/ what is attractive? - fetusfacedwindbag - 10-03-2008

dingdongyo Wrote:it's legs.

I'm with you there. Legs get me going, but if you look down the legs and the feet are just not happenin', that trumps the legs for me.

Pretty eyes go a long way with me. I love big round brown eyes, but I'm torn because I have blue eyes and I'd love to have a blue eyed baby.

Who/ what is attractive? - fetusfacedwindbag - 10-03-2008

Admin Wrote:Dark hair (either really straight or really curly)
Soft eyes
Girl next door looks
Nice butt
Medium to small chest

Yeah, I've never been into chesty girls for some reason.

Who/ what is attractive? - Mad Dog - 10-03-2008

Personally I like all hair colors. A pretty face, slender with medium to large breasts, nice medium size ass, and long, sexy legs legs. Sigh.

Who/ what is attractive? - Torque - 10-03-2008

I wouldn't say I have a type but... funny, intelligent (not book-smart, but likes reading), probably a little older than me but acts young, dark hair and lighter eyes, spontaneous, not ripped/gymish or skinny but has nice arms, confident but not dickish.

And FYI long legs SUCK to have. Try finding girl jeans in a 37in inseam. And heels above 2-3 inches make me look like a stork.

Who/ what is attractive? - Opus - 10-03-2008

While a large chested woman will definately garner a second look from me, it won't garner a third if she has no personality or just looks like a bitch. If she looks like she never smiles and her body language suggests she is not having a good time all the time, I don't even bother approaching.

I'll take a flat chested, no ass, no makeup chick with a personality who can have a good time anyday over a big chested, beutiful heart shaped ass blonde bitch.

Who/ what is attractive? - Mad Dog - 10-03-2008

Opus Wrote:While a large chested woman will definately garner a second look from me, it won't garner a third if she has no personality or just looks like a bitch. If she looks like she never smiles and her body language suggests she is not having a good time all the time, I don't even bother approaching.

I'll take a flat chested, no ass, no makeup chick with a personality who can have a good time anyday over a big chested, beutiful heart shaped ass blonde bitch.

Your absolutely right, thats why I'm looking for the woman with the total package. Having said that I don't by any means think she needs to be perfect, just perfect for me!!

Who/ what is attractive? - Queenie - 10-03-2008

Yeah, I'm a non-makeup wearer. I really just don't have time. Glad Plungee doesn't care. I also have a long inseam . . . 34". I feel like I have shrunk just a little in the last year, not to mention going from a size 5 to a size 10. Yikes!! It's killing me!!!

Who/ what is attractive? - agentsmith - 10-03-2008

Preach ladies! I wear 29/32s (29inch waist 32 inch legs). It's impossible to find pants that fit!

Who/ what is attractive? - boizalynne - 10-04-2008

Teeth... straight teeth....
It is very important to me....

Who/ what is attractive? - Mad Dog - 10-04-2008

boizalynne Wrote:Teeth... straight teeth....
It is very important to me....

I have VERY straight teeth! Mabey I'm your man.

Who/ what is attractive? - dingdongyo - 10-04-2008

Torque Wrote:And FYI long legs SUCK to have. Try finding girl jeans in a 37in inseam. And heels above 2-3 inches make me look like a stork.
FYI, this would be similar to me saying it sucks to walk around with such a nice big package. the only difference is i'm lying.

Who/ what is attractive? - Torque - 10-04-2008

Haha, unless your pants don't fit due to said big package, it's not the same. And I said, 'sucks to have, not sucks to look at', but that's just semantics. People always counter with, 'oh quit whining, I'm really short so it's just as bad for me' but that's BS because almost all stores offer short lengths and there's always the option of nice pair of frikin scissors. The day I don't have to buy my pants from Freak Stringbean Online Ugly Jeans Co. is the day I'll quit bitching.

Who/ what is attractive? - Titan! - 10-04-2008

I'm 6'5" and there is no such thing as a girl who is too tall or legs too long,

Who/ what is attractive? - mainerliser - 10-04-2008

Anyone like short, curvy (more curve in the belly than I want) 42 year old women? I think I'll be hopelessly alone for the rest of my life once this divorce is final!

Who/ what is attractive? - Torque - 10-04-2008

mainerliser Wrote:Anyone like short, curvy (more curve in the belly than I want) 42 year old women? I think I'll be hopelessly alone for the rest of my life once this divorce is final!

Don't worry, any guy will tell you curves > no curves

Who/ what is attractive? - motorboatking - 10-04-2008

Howie Feltersnatch Wrote:
Allyson Wrote:Fat goofy guys.

For serious.

[Image: signaluq5.jpg]

Made me laugh +1! sorry Titan. Undecided

Who/ what is attractive? - Titan! - 10-06-2008

motorboatking Wrote:
Howie Feltersnatch Wrote:[Image: signaluq5.jpg]

Made me laugh +1! sorry Titan. Undecided

Don't be sorry, I laughed too until I read Allyson's devastating reply. Then a I cried a little. Then I drank some Jack and felt better. Then I don't remember much after that, but I woke up in the bed of my truck and it was parked in an alley, and my left ankle hurt.

Who/ what is attractive? - mainerliser - 10-06-2008


Don't be sorry, I laughed too until I read Allyson's devastating reply. Then a I cried a little. Then I drank some Jack and felt better. Then I don't remember much after that, but I woke up in the bed of my truck and it was parked in an alley, and my left ankle hurt. [/quote]

Is that where you've been all week-end?

Who/ what is attractive? - Titan! - 10-06-2008

I guess, most of it's a blur, so who knows.

Who/ what is attractive? - mainerliser - 10-06-2008

Titan ! Wrote:I guess, most of it's a blur, so who knows.

Well, I missed you. Pathetic aren't I!!! :-[