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Favorite P.A. Prank Names - Printable Version

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Favorite P.A. Prank Names - blakjustn3 - 06-19-2008

My all time favorite name is Igar Guljizz. Cracks me up everytime!!!

Favorite P.A. Prank Names - Biff - 06-19-2008

Hugh Jeffenkok.

Favorite P.A. Prank Names - ibangzaneswife - 06-19-2008

Ilean Backenswollow

Favorite P.A. Prank Names - dudeshadoway - 06-19-2008

Heywood Jablowme. Especially the way the woman said it, but it's a great name too.

Favorite P.A. Prank Names - Mark the Valet - 06-19-2008

Ila Vanul, purely from the delivery of the line.

Favorite P.A. Prank Names - denverdave - 06-19-2008

Mark the Valet Wrote:Ila Vanul, purely from the delivery of the line.
The delivery on this one was classic. Such grace!

Favorite P.A. Prank Names - turkeyface - 06-19-2008

"Mr. Jack Soffalot" is the name I use to sign in at public golf courses.

Favorite P.A. Prank Names - Allyson - 06-19-2008

Ila Vorgies

Favorite P.A. Prank Names - chaddyshack23 - 06-19-2008

The best name is Amanda Ray Paninfent...hilarious

Favorite P.A. Prank Names - boogernails - 06-19-2008

chaddyshack23 Wrote:The best name is Amanda Ray Paninfent...hilarious

it's amazing that someone is creative enough to piece together a name like that.

i was always partial to todd lerfondler. that one makes me laugh,

Favorite P.A. Prank Names - turf - 06-19-2008

illa vanul.

Favorite P.A. Prank Names - blakjustn3 - 06-19-2008

HAHA Todd Lerfondler thats one of the greats too. Speaking of that, which one ended up winning the tournament thing they had?

Favorite P.A. Prank Names - Biff - 06-19-2008

blakjustn3 Wrote:HAHA Todd Lerfondler thats one of the greats too. Speaking of that, which one ended up winning the tournament thing they had?

Ila Vanul and then Ila Veetinclam but not necessarily in that order.