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Crappy Website - Printable Version

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Crappy Website - youthpastor73 - 06-18-2008

This board is awesome! How can they have such a crappy website?

Crappy Website - rodneyn - 06-18-2008

lazy people are in charge of the website. lol

Crappy Website - bigt8261 - 06-18-2008

I agree, thier website does need some work. In fact, didn't they admit that they were too lazy to figue something out today.

Crappy Website - derek - 06-18-2008

I have done a few websites, namely NoKPhotography.com, team107.org, and vandervander.com.

I would gladly make a website for them, but I don't know how to get ahold of them the best way.

Crappy Website - Titan! - 06-18-2008

Yeah, I gotta agree, the FBHW website is pretty lame.

Crappy Website - mtab - 06-18-2008

The fact that Firefox can't view it properly is the biggest problem they have right now...

Crappy Website - derek - 06-18-2008

Yeah, it's not FF3's problem either. I used the w3c validator on it and wow, oi vey is it bad.

Crappy Website - ilikedrinking - 06-18-2008

They need to add a sound bite archive cause I like drinking!

Crappy Website - drunkenmom - 06-18-2008

fix your web for firefox plz

nuff said

Crappy Website - derek - 06-18-2008

if someone can get a hold of them, point them to me please

Crappy Website - skyball - 06-18-2008

most radio shows have crappy websites.. but there is still no excuse..

Crappy Website - derek - 06-18-2008

Yeha, but I am willing to do this for free, I love this show. It would be easy to almost replicate the current website just using a wordpress backend.

Crappy Website - Titan! - 06-18-2008

Derek Wrote:I have done a few websites, namely NoKPhotography.com, team107.org, and vandervander.com.

I would gladly make a website for them, but I don't know how to get ahold of them the best way.

Have you looked at the Nokphotography.com site ? none of the links work, and the portfolio leads to a 500 sever error

Not exactly a shining exapmple of your work

Crappy Website - derek - 06-18-2008

Currently in work, just so you know. NoKphotography's MySQL database was on a server guess where, in the Iowa flooding. So yes, that is not working totally, and I was more saying that site to check out the graphic design aspect.

Crappy Website - mermantiger - 06-18-2008

The website does suck. Also, a sound bite archive is absolutely crucial.

Crappy Website - hotzester - 06-18-2008

If it's absolutely crucial, just get the podcast, then rip the audio out of the MP3 file for the clips you want.

Crappy Website - mermantiger - 06-18-2008

That's a good idea, but too much work. I guess "absolutely crucial" isn't the best way to phrase that.

I did purchase the podcast yesterday though. I haven't received an email with the podcast URL yet though.

Crappy Website - hotzester - 06-18-2008

Yeah mine took a while too. It's definitely worth it though...some stuff you just want to hear a few more times.

Crappy Website - outkast1914 - 06-18-2008

Seriously, why can't they spring for a web designer? They can't find an intern who would do it?!

Crappy Website - cchiles - 06-18-2008

I think MyTown is stuck in 1992. I built websites better than that when I was 15. I would love to see the backend they use to manage the site. I bet they pay an insane amount for it too.

Crappy Website - hotzester - 06-18-2008

You mean they're not just a reseller?

Crappy Website - cchiles - 06-18-2008

No, the design style of the MyTown website is very similar to the FBHW design; lots of images where text SHOULD be used, poor navigation, some of the ugliest HTML...I could go on for days. I think the guy who owns MyTown is a friend of theirs, so I doubt they would have someone else do the site.

Crappy Website - shaggytheclown17 - 06-18-2008

Eh, the website is ok.

I don't really know what u guys r talkin about, better a crappy website than none at all right?

Crappy Website - potthole - 06-18-2008

They used to update it a whole lot more than now. I wish they'd start adding other random clips of stuff from the show- interviews, funny convos, etc.

Crappy Website - dudeshadoway - 06-18-2008

I have a Greasemonkey script that corrects the problem with the front page of their website. If anyone is using Greasemonkey and FF2/3 then PM me and I will send it to you.

Crappy Website - speedbump - 06-18-2008

It's 2008, how do you have a site that doesn't work with Firefox? Mytown sucks. I hope it's just a lack of trying, and not a lack of skill or else the new design they're working on will probably suck.

Crappy Website - derek - 06-18-2008

serisouly, i know one of you thinks my website sucks, but I can do it for free for them and make it better. If any of you are able to get a hold fo them (i nvever can) point them in my direction. Or maybe more than one of us can work on it? I dunno, I just want to help change it.

Crappy Website - mudroomdonna - 06-18-2008

It's run by like one guy. Sorry Dean!!!

With that website, updating it themselves is crucial, but the database that runs the back end is a mess...

Crappy Website - icon - 06-18-2008

Stop crying about the site, i'm sure the admin will make chages to it. shit it's a forum for a radio show, what are you looking for a million dollar site?

Crappy Website - cchiles - 06-18-2008

Wow, we are talking about FreeBeerandhotwings.com, not this forum. If FBHW.com was anything like this forum, I'd be much happier. At least I could read it then.

Crappy Website - derek - 06-18-2008

What do people think about a FBHW Wiki, where we could put the profiiles for each of the characters, etc and so forth....

Crappy Website - hotzester - 06-18-2008



Crappy Website - cchiles - 06-18-2008


Crappy Website - cchiles - 06-18-2008

Damn, hotzester you are quick.

Crappy Website - derek - 06-18-2008

damn, thanks guys, i didn't know about that

Crappy Website - slicedbread - 06-18-2008

QQ MOAR!!!1!!!11


Crappy Website - derek - 06-18-2008

So I am going to start putting a website together in my spare time and then show it to you guys and then show it to them...think that would be a feasable idea?

Crappy Website - youthpastor73 - 06-18-2008

yeah... I can't read the site properly with firefox OR safari... that just strikes me as just plain lazy.
BUT I get the impression that the MyTown folks give lots of good customer service to the FBHW team...Dean seems like a great guy... shoot... my podcast subscription ran out two years ago and I'm still getting it! I do appreciate that it's NOT cluttered with crazy ads like most radio station sites...

Crappy Website - Wiener Poopie - 06-18-2008

mermantiger Wrote:The website does suck. Also, a sound bite archive is absolutely crucial.


Crappy Website - icon - 06-18-2008

toddswifeluvsblack Wrote:you guys are all fags lick my sweat balls fags.... oh i am so sad the website sucks cry cry some more a holes
You need to grow a set first, then maybe some real fag like yourself will lick them for you, but don't hold your breath.