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awkward show moments - Printable Version

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awkward show moments - bigdaddy - 10-15-2008

i'm a podcaster - so I'm always behind - but... Holy S!!! Free Beer just said he was a premature ejaculator..... that's crazy - anyone else remember any awkward moments by the guys?

awkward show moments - motorboatking - 10-15-2008

Were you the big daddy they brought up the other day?

awkward show moments - landmammaldolphin - 10-15-2008

There was a bit of one today when they were making fun of the commercials for the loans. Not that theirs have been as cheesy, but they have some sponsors that do the same thing as they were making fun of and everyone but Joe does the commercials for them in West Michigan. That was a little awkward in my opinion.

awkward show moments - bigdaddy - 10-15-2008

i'm not sure I heard it... but I don't think so

awkward show moments - redsox - 10-15-2008

They're here to help!

awkward show moments - uhohspagettio - 10-15-2008

Best Jerks Ever Wrote:They're here to help!
They're here to rip your ass off!

awkward show moments - landmammaldolphin - 10-16-2008

They're here to help...themselves to your money!

awkward show moments - moobsminger - 10-17-2008

Everything that the Dude did was awkward... Though you might be looking for unintentionally awkward. - Who could forget "he died"? - although that was so funny it kind of drowned out the awkwardness.

I also thought it was awkward when Zane had his recent breakdown, and they couldn't discuss it. I'm not saying they should've, but it was awkward when people would call and ask where he was, and they would just say that he was off, and when he came back with no explanation, I thought that was a bit awkward.

Another awkward moment was when they fired Frank Small Talk during a break and then came back to discuss it.

awkward show moments - bigdaddy - 10-18-2008

firing frank small talk was the best!!!

awkward show moments - Torque - 10-18-2008

Milton's internviews are so awkward to listen to, I can't even listen to the replays. But I root for him everytime...