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Presidential 15 second fight - Printable Version

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Presidential 15 second fight - wintersurf15 - 10-15-2008

how about we get obama and mccain together for a 15 second fight in the middle of this debate. with them laughing at each other you know they are trying not to slap each other

Presidential 15 second fight - spunkypopcorn - 10-15-2008

That would be entertaining. As well as a walk off, a la Zoolander. Maybe that's just me...

Presidential 15 second fight - beckyp - 10-15-2008

Joe the plumber would kick both of their asses.

Presidential 15 second fight - spoonman - 10-16-2008

With a Special guest referee appearance Ralph Nader. Or Ross Perot.

Or Mick Foley. I don't care.