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Dirty Debate - Printable Version

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Dirty Debate - dafunkydude13 - 10-16-2008

I think you guys should put the audio of all 3 dirty debates on the site, becuase that was the funniest thing i have heard in a long time. Does anyone else agree with me?

Dirty Debate - moobsminger - 10-16-2008

I definitely think they should; I loved them, but I don't know if they could because I think they got those from their prep services, and they're probably not supposed to post them if that's the case. I could be wrong, and hey, they weren't supposed to post Pullfinger's song, but they did that anyway.

Dirty Debate - potthole - 10-17-2008

I thought they made those clips themselves...?

Dirty Debate - Mad Dog - 10-17-2008

They DEFINATLY need to post the Dirty debates, I almost choked I was laughing so hard!!

Dirty Debate - 0rz0ski - 10-17-2008

Dirty Debates are on the homepage.

Dirty Debate - trojanmatt - 10-19-2008

And they are Effin hilarious! i laughed till i cried

Dirty Debate - moobsminger - 10-19-2008

potthole Wrote:I thought they made those clips themselves...?

Maybe. I'm still catching up with the podcasts, and I heard them briefly reference on Thursday that "we" did the editing. I know they referenced Joe working on some of the other ones, but they didn't credit him with those specifically, I think. Maybe, they divided the work; maybe they just don't feel like bragging.

Guys, if you did edit the dirty debates yourselves, I apologize for doubting you.

Hugs and Kisses to FBHW :-*
I'm Moobs Minger.

Dirty Debate - potthole - 10-20-2008

Moobs Minger Wrote:
potthole Wrote:I thought they made those clips themselves...?

Maybe. I'm still catching up with the podcasts, and I heard them briefly reference on Thursday that "we" did the editing. I know they referenced Joe working on some of the other ones, but they didn't credit him with those specifically, I think. Maybe, they divided the work; maybe they just don't feel like bragging.

Guys, if you did edit the dirty debates yourselves, I apologize for doubting you.

Hugs and Kisses to FBHW :-*
I'm Moobs Minger.

That's true, and I noticed how they never specifically gave credit to any one person for making the dirty debates too, so I'm not fully certain as to who made them. I assume it was the show, but it could very well be a prep service.