FBHW Forums
FBHW Drops - Printable Version

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FBHW Drops - fmcrowl - 06-19-2008

Does anyone know where i can find the drops they use on fbhw such as "duh duh i'm stupid, puking etc.?

FBHW Drops - Mark the Valet - 06-19-2008

Maybe we should start a show soundboard. Kind of like the R. Lee Ermy soundboard or a Homer Simpson soundboard.

FBHW Drops - dudeshadoway - 06-19-2008

I have a soundboard program that I run on my own computer that has a lot of their drops on it. Never thought about putting it online though.

FBHW Drops - derek - 06-19-2008

I think you should. I have 10 gig of webspace and a 100 gig bandwidth a month if you want

FBHW Drops - Wiener Poopie - 06-19-2008

hit_in_the_cup_with_a_face Wrote:Does anyone know where i can find the drops they use on fbhw such as "duh duh i'm stupid, puking etc.?


FBHW Drops - turkeyface - 06-19-2008

BOOM! http://www.ebaumsworld.com/tags/soundboard/ soundboards!