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OPEC holds emergency meeting - Printable Version

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OPEC holds emergency meeting - fistor!@# - 10-23-2008



Serves you right, you bastards! Maybe you shouldn't have continually bit the hand that feeds you.

Quote:With oil revenues crashing, the 13-nation Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries is trying to decide how much to cut production to try to keep prices from sliding further.

God, I hate them.

OPEC holds emergency meeting - landmammaldolphin - 10-23-2008

I love that they are going to cut production to make sure the price doesn't slide further....and some people want us to believe that the price of gas is a result of the free market! Seriously, they know they control supply and if the demand is still there they also control the price. Everyone claims that no refineries can be built because of the EPA stuff but I say it's because the oil companies aren't dumb enough to build them and lose all that profit. I'm not mad, I'm just sayin'.

OPEC holds emergency meeting - fistor!@# - 10-23-2008

landmammaldolphin Wrote:I love that they are going to cut production to make sure the price doesn't slide further....and some people want us to believe that the price of gas is a result of the free market! Seriously, they know they control supply and if the demand is still there they also control the price. Everyone claims that no refineries can be built because of the EPA stuff but I say it's because the oil companies aren't dumb enough to build them and lose all that profit. I'm not mad, I'm just sayin'.


I'm so sick of hearing the "experts" say they have no idea why prices skyrocket, when OPEC has been cutting production intentionally for years.

The day is coming when they'll come running to us, begging us for business. And I don't think it's too far off in the future.

OPEC holds emergency meeting - beckyp - 10-23-2008

we got Russia and Iran trying to start a gas cartel....think that'll come into fruition?

OPEC holds emergency meeting - providencecrow - 10-23-2008

Jo Wrote:we got Russia and Iran trying to start a gas cartel....think that'll come into fruition?

It may, unless Putin rears his head over Alaskan airspace, then who knows what might happen!

Honestly though, i trust the Russians more than the Saudis, so i say bring it on.