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Granite = Cement. Discuss. - Printable Version

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Granite = Cement. Discuss. - airhorn - 10-30-2008

LOL Zane, just LOL..

Granite = Cement. Discuss. - Queenie - 10-30-2008

I know granite is not cement, but I was screaming hail myself. I felt just as bad as Zane did. Oh well, I got a lot of other answers right.

[drop]i'm sthupid[/drop]

Granite = Cement. Discuss. - Titan! - 10-30-2008

I don't think hail was such a bad guess. Part of the question did state "in avation terminology" so I think Zane gets a pass on this one.

Granite = Cement. Discuss. - sunshyne - 10-30-2008

I was yelling mountains, I think thats my favorite game they play. I never try to call in though, cause i'm traveling to work. Besides, everytime I call the station, Joe hangs up on me. Maybe my phone connection is bad or something.

Granite = Cement. Discuss. - Queenie - 10-30-2008

sunshyne Wrote:Besides, everytime I call the station, Joe hangs up on me. Maybe my phone connection is bad or something.

Nope, your phone connection is fine. He just doesn't like you. Wink

Granite = Cement. Discuss. - sunshyne - 10-30-2008

maybe hes gay

Granite = Cement. Discuss. - potthole - 10-30-2008

Maybe you're a loud breather? The guys can't seem to stand people who breathe into the phone loudly, and it wouldn't surprise mt if they were to reveal that people are instructed to try to keep people like that from getting on the air.

Granite = Cement. Discuss. - sunshyne - 10-30-2008

no, I doubt that I am, my husband would hang up on me too. My sister is a terrible phone breather though (I wish I could hang up on her sometimes)

Granite = Cement. Discuss. - Torque - 10-30-2008

Titan ! Wrote:I don't think hail was such a bad guess. Part of the question did state "in avation terminology" so I think Zane gets a pass on this one.

I can't give him one. Clouds don't hide what they contain, they hide objects, plus his reasoning was hilariously off. I do think turbulence was slightly dumber though.

Granite = Cement. Discuss. - born2bone - 10-30-2008

I also thought hail was the corect answer.

Granite = Cement. Discuss. - moobsminger - 11-03-2008

Hot Wings effing pissed me off! He was mocking Zane because he said clouds couldn't hide hail because hail doesn't form in the clouds - it freezes on the way down. Rain that freezes on the way down is called "freezing rain" - [drop]DEE DEE DEEEEEE![/drop]

As for hail:

"Hail forms in storm clouds when supercooled water droplets freeze on contact with condensation nuclei, such as dust. The storm's updraft blows the hailstones to the upper part of the cloud. The updraft dissipates and the hailstones fall down, back into the updraft, and are lifted up again. The hailstone gains an ice layer and grows increasingly larger with each ascent. Once a hailstone becomes too heavy to be supported by the storm's updraft, it falls out of the cloud."

Hail was a completely plausible guess.

You don't have to know everything, Hot Wings, but if you don't know what you're talking about, then you shouldn't be throwing stones.

I know I'm nerding-out again, but I can't help it.

And Hot Wings, if I didn't like you so much, I wouldn't even care.

Granite = Cement. Discuss. - Titan! - 11-03-2008

Yeah looka that, Moobs bringin the knowledge.

Zane if you're reading this, you get a pass on "Hail" being a bad answer.

Granite = Cement. Discuss. - Mad Dog - 11-03-2008

Yea, but he absolutely does not get a pass on the fact that cement and granite are two different substances.