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Possible Zane addiction/fad predictions - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Possible Zane addiction/fad predictions (/showthread.php?tid=1723)

Possible Zane addiction/fad predictions - Philly Mike - 10-31-2008

Well put what you think will be next for him to be obsessed over.

I personally think he will show up tomorrow claiming to be a Pokemon master.

Possible Zane addiction/fad predictions - blakeadkins - 10-31-2008

He may pick another Griffin's player to be obsessed over.

I bet he's going to become a full fledged larper

Possible Zane addiction/fad predictions - drunkenmom - 10-31-2008

time for Zane to be "outed" for his gay porn loving fad!

oh and i think he is gonna get obsessed with the ever chubby'ing Joe. u know he wants more cushion for the pushin

Possible Zane addiction/fad predictions - dolph - 10-31-2008

I think Zane is gonna jump full balls into yiffing. It will save him in the dvorce due to no actual sex and he won't have to explain why he's always hanging so closely to Griff at the hockey games. Who as it turns out will be his hockey crush this year. Just watch out when you see Zane in the furrey clam costume.

Hell he'll be the keynote speaker at a furcon near you.

Possible Zane addiction/fad predictions - egowx - 10-31-2008

Did someone say.....wait for it "PENIS" his next addiction will be penis. His kid is gonna catch all kinds of crap at school for this one.

Possible Zane addiction/fad predictions - Biff - 10-31-2008

I could give him 4 guitar lessons and he'd be hooked on playing the guitar for life.

Possible Zane addiction/fad predictions - mudroomdonna - 10-31-2008

Admin Wrote:I could give him 4 guitar lessons and he'd be hooked on playing the guitar for life.

That's what happens when the lesson involves a guitar and a poop chute.

.... :o